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I was sitting out side of his huge wide office. In the car I don't know what he will feel about me being at his office but I just can't do anything about it.  His mother send me to give this food to him since he didn't ate anything because of me.

I don't even know if he have told anyone about the marriage. What if they threw me away.  But I have the driver but who knows if he will just take my side .

Maybe his mother send me here to humiliate me.  To hurt me. And I just can't do anything about it. Even if I know that one more step takes me to cliff I have to jump. Because I no longer have left any right left revolt their decision.

I felt the tears and sorrows hit me again as I shook them away from me and walked out of the car. I went towards the door as the it swung open itself.

I just walked passed it. As far as I entered the receptionist at the desk right in front stood immedietly but her features showed how astonished she was to See Me here.  And as I walked towards her the other two men ran toward me as bowed and greeted me.

"Sir is in his cabin , please "  Without asking anything he started to show me the way.  I wanted to ask him to stop but I didn't wanted to sound stupid and I just walked forward.  He took me to the elevator that looked it was private because it was placed at a sofisticated area. And no one else were present their.

I walked in with the man and he pressed the last floor which was 30th. We went to the up floor as there was only one door visible.

As soon as we enter through the mirror door there was a familiar girl seating at the desk who immediately stood after looking at me.  I remember seeing her at the wedding last time. So greeted me. As she asked the man to stop but he snapped at her.

And without even a knock he opened the door as we saw Viraj and some other girl on his sofa. Viraj wasn't wearing his shirt. And the girls dress were up till her thighs. At the click of the door they stopped immediately. As the man started to apologize continuously.  I wanted to say sorry and close the door but I just can't do that. It will degrade Viraj's image.

So I just stood their looking like a fool as the girl left from beside me. Viraj came towards me wearing his shirt back.

"You are fired" He said to the man as he started to apologise more. I couldn't watch anymore.

"I opened the door without knocking" I left my self respect behind which I probably didn't had and looked at him.

"Are you trying to save him?" he asked as he walked closer to me.  I felt disgusted as I saw  him coming closer. If it was the older me I would have slapped him and asked him to get lost and never show his face again. But I wasn't.

"I'm not saving I made mistake so a innocent shouldnt be punished for it."

"So should you get punished? " He said twitching his one eyebrow.

I felt afraid as well as dirty by his gaze I shook my head away from him as I watched at the floor.

"Leave" he said to the man as he immediately left.

And the next minute he started to walk more and more close to me I stepped back as he came closer. I felt disgusting.

An the next moment it was the wall behind me and I can't just go back anymore to run away from him.  He was dirty right now.

Suddenly his hands  rested besides my head. As I watched him in astonishment.

You are dirty .
Your hands stink of her smell
You body realised the perfume she had on her
Your kneck is covered in her lipsticks.
Stay away from me you manwhore
You bastard

I wanted to scream at him but I know I can't because if I do I'll just make things harder for me and I can't afford it.

So I like another sluts stood their.

He looked at me for seconds and he left me walked towards his desk.

"Why are you here? "

"Your mom send me  to bring you the tiffin"

"Then tell her I'm planning for feeding something different tonight.  So let me starve. " He said as he passed me the smirk I knew which means disruption.

ALIGNED HIS. (IMMERGED HIS BOOK SERIES #1)Where stories live. Discover now