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This is stupid I wasn't even involved in there stupid conversation why the hell am I standing here than. Someone have said right whom you stand with deprives your worth.

Just because I was sitting with them I have to stand with them. All of us 7 were standing out of the class room as lecture was going inside. We were strictly told to stand or they'll pass a complaint note. And I was a main target because of that stupid girl.

And what the hell was wrong with me why the hell did I believe on her and said something this stupid. Seduction of customers that's absurd even when I think about it.

Maybe I was so lost in looking at someone that I was desperate to sit in class. She was the reason of my lameness.

We were already standing for so long but the lecture didn't seems to end sooner. But finally the Bell rang as all of the class members started to come out. I was looking for the girl as I saw her walking out at the last still her earphones on. But then I saw the second bench girl as she started to walk ahead ahead. She crossed me without even any reaction on her face. Like she doesn't have anything to do with me. That damn hurted my pride. I grabbed her by her arm as made us stood face to face.

"What? "

"What? Shouldn't you apologize for what you did? "

"What did I do? "

"What did you do!!?"

"A person who deserves to get punish must get punish."

"What did I do?" I said with a confused face.

"Mattress? Carrom? " she said with a disgusting face.

"I wasn't even involved in their conversation."

"A mourner is bigger than the sinner!" she shrugged.

"Still you owe me an apology"

"I don't! " she raised her eyebrows.

But before I could revolt or say something she ran and put her arms on that girls shoulder and she also removed her earphones and probably started to talk. Since she was meters away from me only her back was visible.

And my stupid friends were still talking bullshits I gave them a disgusted look as I left.


It's already been like 10 days but I haven't again seen her or her best friend they vanquished like they don't exist. Following the same daily routines me and all the other six crazy people went in class and sat their didn't studied and came back.

This school is owned by my Singhal's Empire so I don't actually have to worry about passing and stuff but still I pay little attention to study because I want to own the Empire. And I have tough competition of Ranvijay bhai.

He is not just bad. He is far worse than bad. I hated every single thing about him. His actions his disregards for others his words everything drips venom. He is the most worst creature I have seen on this planet under my existence.

In was sitting in the class this time attending the lecture. It was partly fun to study.

The lecture was still going on as a rising woman came on the door asking for coming in. It was her the earplugs.

"May in come in? " She asked the teacher as she was utterly ignored and teacher again started to teach making her stand their. She stood there her fingers entwined looking down. Her open hair covering her face.

"Hey guys look at the door one she is sex-"

"Not her Jatin I won't tolerate" I said before he could complete his sentence.

"Are you interested in her? " they asked with their mouth opened.

I didnt answer I just looked at her.

As they fell in chaos of ohhs and wows.

The whole lecture she was standing thier as finally the bell rang we all started to walk out. I almost reached near her when the seduction girl went on angry on earplugs.

"What's wrong with you!!? Why? Why? Would you come??? " she yelled at her. She looked at her and noticed that I was standing their and hearing them. I realised that I was being a third wheel so I left from beside her.

What's wrong?

The whole guys were talking bullshits again and again as I saw both seducy and earplugs passing from hear us as I overheard her saying goodbyes and that she is going in library.

"Guys I'm gonna look for the stupid assessment of old enterprenauers in the library. Will meet you later" I bid them goodbye as I left.

I walked in the library as I saw that she was no where here. Maybe she lied.

But since I was actually here I pick out the books and actually sat with my earphones on.

Suddenly a force of pen hit me as my head raised up to see who that was and realised that it was a whole bag of pens of the earplugs. She was sitting with her head down as I saw Ved and his mens bullying her.

He threw her pouch and then her books. And than hold her by her chin as I saw them way to close that I couldn't control myself I stood and immediately ran towards them as I shook Ved from his seat with was the table. As he fell down in the ground his man coming in front to hit me but Ved stopped him.

"Look Ranvijay little dog's here " he said as he stood back.

"How dare you touch her!!!? " I said as I walked towards him and grabbed him by his collar.

Earplugs standing in astonishment.

"What? Why? Is your d**k Interested in her? " he said with a smirk stick on his face.

"Does Ranvijay knows what you are doing here? " I warned him.

"You still can't fight on your name can you? " he smirked wider now I left his collar as he stood thier. That hurt my pride. Why did I take his name for someone I want to protect.

"Now that I know both of you brothers are interested in her I'm getting really curious".


Hey readers tell me what you think about this update and please keep loving the story.


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