Chapter 7: Only One Can Remain

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Chen's Ferry arrives at an island.

"Welcome to Chen's Island. The Tournament of Elements welcome its brave fighters" Clouse says as everyone unloaded the boat then turns to Garmadon "Master Chen will be pleased you've returned, Sensei Garmadon"

Garmadon narrows his eyes "The pleasure is all mine, Clouse"

"I'm sure it is" Clouse replies

The group continues walking as Aria walks in front of everyone leading the way.

"Definitely feeling some tension between you two" Jay comments

"Yeah, and how is it we're on an island I've never seen on any map?" Kai questions

"And care to explain how the face to Ninjago's most popular noodle house is secretly assembling an underground fighting tournament?" Cole adds

"Master Chen used to be a friend. Now he's a traitor." Garmadon answers " During the Serpentine Wars, Chen turned against his own kind and sided with the treacherous snakes"

"The battle you and Uncle Wu fought together in? He was an enemy?" Lloyd asks

"He used deception to divide the Elemental Masters. We barely defeated the Serpentine, and in a deal for his surrender, Chen was to never leave this island. Little did we know, he'd begin to build his criminal empire from here" Garmadon explains

"He may have divided our ancestors, but he's not gonna divide us" Lloyd says firmly

The Elemental Masters arrive inside the palace and sat in a circle. Aria walked up and stood in the middle of the risen platform with her arms crossed. Zugu bangs a gong and a gramophone plays music.

"All rise for Master Chen" Clouse commands and everyone stood

Chen walks in with several of his servants "Welcome to the Tournament of Elements. Now everyone can all di—" the door sudden closes loudly and everyone gasps "—rect your attention to me!" Chen laughs

Chen takes his place beside Aria and looks around looking amused.

Chen chuckles "Never before have so many Elemental Fighters been under one roof. I see Master of Fire, Earth, Shadow, Speed, even a prophesied Green Savior. And a former pupil has returned"

"Alright" Chen points to the gong "This symbol before you is for the Anacondrai, fiercest Serpentine warrior to ever roam this land. Its creed: "Only one can remain.""

The gong moves aside, showing a bracket.

Chen takes out a green blade "Behold, a Jadeblade. Here, it represents life. Obtain it, move on. Allow your opponent to take it, loser. The rules are simple. Every match will be different. No two fights will be the same. Your powers will keep you in the Tournament. Use it or lose it"

"Win and stay on the island. Win it all, and you'll receive fortunes beyond your wildest dreams, and lifetime supply of Master Chen noodles. But no one is here because of noodle. You want the glory of being the greatest fighter in all of Ninjago!" Chen shouts, everyone but the Ninja cheer.

"And what happens if they lose?" Garmadon questions suspiciously

"Lose? Who here likes to lose?" Chen replies, everyone but the Ninja laugh

"Ahem!" Aria looks annoyed

"oh yes" Chen claps happily "Beside me is her highness princess Aria, the Lord of Darkness"

"Hey Cole.. isn't that your cousin, the Overlord's daughter?" Kai asks

"...yep" Cole replies "great.. she's got stronger"

"I'll be participating in this little tournament too" Aria smirks "so you little pests better not think you even have a chance"

The elemental masters all look annoyed at that comment.

"Chen's Island is under my jurisdiction meaning this is my land" Aria sits down on a throne and crosses her legs "here I am the law and their's nothing you can do about it, remember that"

"Now please, enjoy my island. It's a super fun happy place. Hahaha. Fun time on me" Chen laughs happily

"You'll now each be shown to your rooms" Clouse announces

Kabuki walk up to each one of the Masters. The Kabuki grab the Ninja's arms and they are escorted to their suites.

"You've made quite the impression on them princess" Chen chuckles

"those peasants gotta learn their place" Aria says as she takes a drink "You might be the master here, but I'm in charge and their better be no mistake"

"Of course not your highness" Chen says "but I gotta have my fun too"

"of course" Aria smiles "you can have all the fun you want, but don't forget who's allowing you to have this little tournament"

"I shall never forget" Chen says excitedly "It's time for the first event"

"Great" Aria stands up and picks up a jade blade "I'll be waiting"


Aria sits boredly on a rail as each of the contestants come in one by one with a jade blade, completing the first event. Soon all of the ninja except for the red ninja had made it. Aria kept notice of Lloyd staring at her some times. Either he was staring at her cause he was trying to figure out if he knew her or he's staring at her cause she's the Overlord's daughter.

"Why do you keep staring at me Green Ninja?!" Aria calls out "If you have something to say then say it"

The ninja watches as Lloyd walked over to her.

"I'm sorry.." Lloyd says "about your father"

Aria's eyes widen a bit before glaring at him "a little too late for that bud, he's dead"

"yeah, but i did what i had to, to keep Ninjago safe" Lloyd tells her "so.. I don't regret it.. but I'm sorry"

"That's very sweet" Aria leans back "but that won't change the fact that i'm going to take Ninjago"

"Try all you want, but we won't let that happen" Lloyd turns and walks back to the ninja

'oh thank goodness he didn't recognize me! but I do gotta make sure my plans don't kill him.. maybe the other ninja, but not my boyfriend.. unless he breaks up with me then it's ok.. right? Probably'

Karlof walks in with the Jadeblade "Hahaha! Karlof wins!" 

Everyone except the Ninja cheer. Kai sneaks up behind him and unscrews his Metal hand 

"Ah, looks like you got a screw loose" Kai steals the Jadeblade and puts it in the holder. 

Everyone except Garmadon cheers.

"We have a loser!" Chen shouts

Karlof puts his hand back "That's not fair. He cheated"

Kai shrugged "I did what I had to do"

"Fine, I lose. Karlof never wanted to be on stinking island" Karlof complains

"Aw that's too bad" Aria says innocently

"I'm sorry to hear you did not enjoy your stay. I guess this worked out for the best. This is goodbye!" Chen pushes a button, activating a trapdoor under Karlof. He screams as he falls. "As you can see, lose and you are out. Break any rule, you are out. Never bite the hand that feeds you Master Chen delicious noodle! Now rest up. Tomorrow the tournament will recommence" 


"Princess Aria we are about to start the extraction of the metal elemental power, will you be coming?" Clouse asks

"No go ahead and start" Aria replies as she walks to her room "their's more important things for me to do in preparation of the matches tomorrow"

"As you wish" Clouse leaves

Aria sighs and looks out the window "sleep well ninja, tomorrow's another day"

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