Chapter 15: Possessed By A Ghost

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Aria sat in a café in Ninjago drinking tea, she was waiting for Cole to arrive. He told her he had something urgent to discuss with her. She hadn't the slightest clue why.

"Aria there you are" Cole says as he walks over

"Yeah here I am" Aria puts down her cup "what's so important that you had to call me out here?"

"It's about Lloyd" Cole sits down

Aria pauses for a minute before picking her cup back up "oh, what about him?"

"He's in danger" Cole tells her "A few days ago Lloyd got a call to go to the museum, he came back possessed by a ghost"

"How unfortunate" Aria looks over at him "and what does this have to do with me, my dear cousin? Why should I care what happens to the green ninja?"

"Because I know you're dating him" Cole says

Aria puts her cup down "that's ridiculous, I-"

"I saw you in the park with him last week" Cole cuts her off "you can hide your hair all you want, but I know you were born as a blonde"

" what.. you gonna tell Lloyd?" Aria glares at him

"I won't say a word to him" Cole stands up "If.."

"If what?" Aria looks up at him

"If you help us save him" Cole says

"No way" Aria crosses her arms "I love him but I'd never team up with you ninja"

"You don't have to" Cole puts his hands on the table "As the Overlord your in charge of the cursed realm aren't you? That's where the ghost escaped from, all I'm asking is for you to do your job and retrieve the ghost, saving Lloyd in the process"

"...fine" Aria stands up "I'll do it for Lloyd, not for you" she begins to walk away

"Wait" Cole grabs her arm "the ghost's name is Morro and he's after the tomb of the first spinjitzu master, the first clue is something called airjitzu"

"got it" Aria pulls her arm from him

Cole watches as Aria walks out of the café. He sighs and quickly heads back to the ninja.


"Daddy" Aria walks into the King's office

"Aria" the Overlord looks up from his papers "what do I owe this pleasure, I thought you were out with your cousin"

"Well you know I'm just bored" Aria walks over to his desk and picks up a paper "So whatcha doin?"

"I'm busy" the Overlord replies taking the paper out of her hand

"How busy would you say you are on a scale of 1-10?" Aria asks

"14" The Overlord looks back down

Aria rests her head against her arm on his desk "daddy how-"

"If I give you something to do princess will you leave me alone?" the Overlord questions looking at his daughter

"mhm" Aria nods

"Alright" the Overlord sighs and takes out a paper "I was gonna give this to the specialists but it'll be good training, do you know what the cursed realm is?"

"yeah, it's where we keep all the bad prisoners cursed for eternity" Aria replies as she takes the paper

"recently a couple ghosts have escaped from the place" the Overlord tells her "Find them and send them back"

"No problem daddy you can count on me" Aria smiles

Aria walks out of the office and looks at the papers in her hand. It was the profiles of the ghosts that escaped. Like Cole had said, one of the ghosts were Morro, the old elemental master of wind.

"Well looks like it's time to call in a favor" Aria smirks before leaving


After the Ninja leave the shop, Ronin checks the vase where the scroll of airjitzu is actually hiding.

"hehe" Ronin laughs "what a bunch of idiots"

Ronin turns around and shouts in fear when he comes face to face with Aria, he falls to the ground. Aria stands over him with her arms crossed, Ronin gulps as her eyes glowing purple.

Aria smirks "hello Ronin"

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