Chapter 37: The Jade Princess

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Aria is walking down the hall when she notices the princess's room open. She peeks in and sees Lloyd jump out the window.

"That sneaky little shit, he's sneaking out with the princess" Aria mutters

Aria runs down the hall till she sees Hutchins.

"Hutchins!" Aria calls out

"Princess Aria, is something the matter?" Hutchins asks

"I just saw the Princess sneak out her window with the green ninja" Aria tells him with fake concern "I'm not sure what they're doing, but it's dangerous out there at night"

Hutchins gasps "they snuck out together, I must find the Princess immediately!"

"I'll help" Aria offers

"Thank you your majesty" Hutchins says

"No problem" Aria smiles "after all I rule the night"


"Rumi, I should get you home" Lloyd says with a smile

"Yes. You should be home, your Highness"

They turn around and they gasp "Hutchins!"

Lloyd felt hands on his shoulders "Care to explain why you're out here with the Princess, Green Ninja?"

Lloyd turns his head looking annoyed "Aria.." he looks at Hutchins "Look Rumi and I were just going for a walk"

Hutchins frowned "Rumi? A walk?"

"Adressing a princess like that, how improper" Aria walks over and stands beside Hutchins

"It was my idea. Please don't be angry with Lloyd" Harumi pleads

"It's troubling to see you two are on a first name basis. The streets are not safe at night, your Highness. I must insist you return with me, at once" Hutchins insists and they start walking away

Aria smirks and follows them as Lloyd makes a sound of annoyance.

"You did that on purpose" Lloyd says catching up to her

"How could you accuse me of such a thing?" Aria asks with obviously fake offense "I simply saw the princess's room empty and told Hutchins out of concern, I had no idea you were out with her"

"Why are you doing this?" Lloyd asks "you broke up with me, not the other way around, are you jealous?"

"Of course not" Aria smirks "you seem to have forgotten who I am, I am the Dark Lord, your pain is my pleasure"

"You're sick" Lloyd says

Aria laughs "damn straight"

Aria walks away and Lloyd looks down.

"Damn it why did that make me more attracted to her" Lloyd blushes


The next day the Ninja are training.

Cole chuckles "Moonlit walks on the canal, sharing food. Sounds a lot like a date"

"It was not a date" Lloyd argues

"A date: a social or romantic engagement. Often involving a meal or an intimate setting" Zane explains

Jay laughs "Haha! You can't argue with a Nindroid!"

"Last night I was just being nice" Lloyd sighs "I have no romantic interest in Harumi"

"Mhm" Kai says in disbelief "or are you just still smitten for a certain dark lord"

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