Chapter 30: The Time Blades

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"And then with the- Aria are you listening!"

Aria jumps "wha- huh I'm listening"

Overlord stares at his daughter with annoyance, she wasn't listening to a single thing he said.

"...what?" Aria asks

"Pay attention princess" Overlord says

"Sorry" Aria sighs "I'm listening"

"Why have you been so distracted lately?" Overlord asks sitting down in front of her "come on honey, this is important"

"I know I know" Aria says "the revival of the sanctuary is crucial right now, it's just been.. weird"

"weird how?" Overlord questions

"I mean, Lloyd's reaction to finding out I'm the Dark Lord Aria he's fighting is... I don't know" Aria leans back "a bit weird I guess, he's been completely normal and we've been on a bunch of dates since he's found out"

"shouldn't you be happy then?" Overlord asks

"I am happy, it just seems like he should hate me or something" Aria explains

"Well the two of you have been friends since you were born" Overlord shrugs "I don't think he'd turn his back on you as soon as he found out, but if he found out without you telling him then he might've lost his mind a bit"

"how come?" Aria asks

"It's how darkness works" Overlord tells her "it infects the mind and makes people do crazy things that they didn't want to, if you didn't tell him yourself he probably would've stabbed you or something"

"dad" Aria looks at him annoyed

Overlord laughs "what I'm not wrong, he probably would've cause you know, darkness"

"Alright alright enough about that, what about the Sanctuary of Life" Aria says "why is it dying?"

"It's missing two crucial items" Overlord replies "the time blades"

"What are the time blades?" Aria asks

"They're weapons used by the masters of time known as the time brothers, Krux and Acronix" Overlord explains "if we get the time blades we'll be able to return them to their pedestals and revive the sanctuary"

"And considering I'm the only one who can pass the border until we find the temple of darkness, I have to retrieve them" Aria says

"Right but I want you to focus on finding the temple of darkness" Overlord tells her "if you activate the alter it'll allow the darkness to creep into ninjago, then everyone in our kingdom will be able to cross over into the city"

"That's good for us and all but the citizens of Ninjago will freak out and send the ninja after everyone" Aria says "our citizens are classified as monsters and demons dad, the civilians of ninjago are scared of the serpintine so how are our vampires, warewolves-"

"I get it I get it" Overlord interrupts "we'll have to work on a temporary treaty with the city or something then, but I can't do anything until you find that temple"

"Got it" Aria stands up "I'll set out looking for it now, and then, the time blades"

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