Chapter 10: Spy for a Spy

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"That was quite a performance you put on the other day Dark Lord"

"Shut it Clouse" Aria replies annoyed "I just didn't want the green ninja out yet.."

"You don't seem to have a soft spot for the other ninja including the earth ninja who is your cousin" Clouse steps in front of her "So why does the green ninja matter?"

"He doesn't" Aria glares at him "and when the time comes.. I'll take him down myself"

Aria walks into the dining room with Clouse following, the Kabuki served the fighters food.

"Try the horned wasp eggs" Chen suggests "Delicious!"

"Uh, I think I'll pass" Lloyd says suspiciously and a bit grossed out

"Oh, lighten up, Green Ninja. This isn't a trick. This is a feast to celebrate the eight of you making it to the second round" Chen says and the Kabuki laugh "And I must congratulate the Master of Shadow's defeat over Master of Poison. She was a bit hard to swallow, am I right?" The Kabuki laugh "Laugh harder! Hahahaha!" They forced a harder laugh.

Aria sat up on her throne and grabbed a drink. She stared into the red liquid as she drank it. Of course she only helped Lloyd because he was her boyfriend even if he didn't realize who she was. In the end it would either be him or her, and she didn't plan on losing to him.

"Princess.. I don't think you should be drinking that" Chen looks at her "I don't think your age is right"

"it's just wine right?" Aria asks

"Yes.. but it's not for a kid" Chen sweat drops

"My master gave me sake which is stronger then wine" Aria rolls her eyes and continues drinking "so it doesn't matter"

"what an irresponsible master" Chen and Garmadon mutters

'that old geezer, i still remember how nonchalant he was about it, he called it part of training'

A Kabuki retrieves the fortune cookies.

"Ahem, it has come to my attention that there are rumors floating about that I am stealing everyone's power. I am" Chen says and the Masters gasps "But it's all for this staff" He claps, and the Kabuki waves their hand fans "No, no. Not you, staff. I mean my real staff" Everyone gasps as the staff is brought to him "The Staff of Elements. It holds the power of your fallen foes, and soon it'll hold all but one. For the last standing in my tournament will win this prize and be the greatest fighter ever in the history in Ninjago!"

Everyone whispers.

"My bet is on the Dark Lord" Chen says

"Of course it is" Aria smirks "because I'm the only best option here"

Lloyd stood up "you lied. What about the spell?"

"Spell? What spell?" Clouse asks

"Don't believe him, it's just another trick. Neuro read Clouse's mind and saw it. Tell them what you saw, Neuro" Lloyd says turning to Neuro

Aria's eyes glow purple and she stares at Neuro

Neuro looks at them nervously "I—I don't remember. Truthfully, I'm a bit more interested in knowing more about that staff"

"And why should we be so quick to believe everything you say? How do we know you're not lying to get the staff for yourself?" Griffin questions

Aria giggles as everyone starts settling down and going back to the feast.

"these elemental masters are so fragile" Aria looks into her glass "it's only a matter of time, before they all fall apart"

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