Chapter 53: Would You Like to Enter Prime Empire?

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Aria has been doing work nonstop for weeks, not only did she rule the Shadowlands but Ninjago now too, twice the amount of work had to be done. She got tons of requests and complains from citizens and lots of problems too. Ninjago had a lot more problems then she originally thought.

The lower district was crawling with undealt with crooks. The ninja took care of bigger threats and occasionally robbers when they try to steal bigger things. Other then that the police took care of everything else, but they couldn't handle the lower district.

Aria started sending her Vampire Knights and the Ninja into the district at night for Patrols. Everything was completely starting to take a tole on her. She started taking nights off and just playing games, way better then boring paperwork.

"Lord Aria, the Ninja are investigating the crooks they just caught" Kaname tells her "they are checking the electronics store"

"mhm" Aria continued playing her game

Kaname sighs before bowing and leaving. After a bit a power surge flows through the city and her video game changes, it's replaced with a game called Prime Empire.

"What the heck?" Aria sits up

30 minutes go by and Aria reaches level 13. The game suddenly speaks "Would you like to enter Prime Empire?"

Aria selects yes, a bright light shines and the game itself opens.

"..why do I have a feeling this seems like a Jay mess up" Aria sweat drops

(across Ninjago Jay sneezes)

"hm" Aria looks around before standing up and walking over to it "well, it beats more work, real life SAO here I come!"

Aria enters the game and it shuts close behind her. She walks into this futuristic city game world and walks around is awe.

"This is so cool!"

"Jay?" Aria looks around for him

"Hey it's you" Jay says when he sees her

The two walk to each other.

"What are you doing here?" Jay asks

"Escaping from my life" Aria replies "what are you doing here?"

"Well I powered up this old video game machine and then 13 levels later here I am" Jay explains

"So i was right, this is a Jay mess up" Aria giggles then puts her hand on his shoulder "thank you for being a fuck up"

"ouch but you're welcome" Jay replies before laughing

"What?" Aria asks confused

"I never really pegged you as the video game type I guess, but then again you were kicking everyone's butts at League that one time we all played together" Jay chuckles

"the key to victory was Freddy" Aria says

"I thought Annie's bear was named Tibbers?" Jay questions amused

"But I call him Freddy" Aria replies

Jay laughs "I suppose it's a little strange being here with you and not the ninja, but not awful I guess"

"speaking of them" Aria looks around "where are they?"

"they're not here, I walked in alone" Jay replies "they weren't in the room when I was playing"

"figures" Aria sighs and faces him "well, we're here, might as well enjoy it"

"Right" Jay says excitedly "so.. wanna team up?"

"heh" Aria smirks "think you can keep up with me?"

"mhm" Jay smirks determined

"let's go then!" Aria heads in a direction

"wait up!" Jay follows after her

Aria laughs "this is gonna be so cool!"

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