Chapter 58: The Temple of Madness

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Jay, Nya, and Aria stand in front of a conveyor belt filled with spinning blades that lead to the Temple of Madness.

"Every single path leads straight into a spinning blade!" Nya shouts frustrated

Jay points "Look at there! See it? There was a thing, for a second. There's another!"

"Did you hit your head Jay?" Aria asks staring at the conveyor belt

"No, it's like the game has a glitch!" Jay shouts

"Oh I see it" Nya says "Back on Dyer Island, we learned this was Dyer's very first adventure game. But it was never released because of problems"

Aria is literally staring at where they're looking "...I don't see it"

"How do you not see it?" Nya questions

"Dont worry we'll help you Aria" Jay tells her

"I don't need your help.." Aria sighs "video game obstacles are usually on a time loop"

"So if we get the timing down, we can make it to the other side" Nya says

Jay looks at the belt "But the glitches are unpredictable, and we can't get past them safely"

"Then I guess we'll have to improvise" Nya shrugs

"Just like dancing!" Jay shouts

Jay and Nya hold hands and start to go through the conveyor belt.

"One, two, three, step!" They step through a spinning blade "One, two, three, jump!" They leap over another blade "One, two, three, roll!" They roll through a third blade and encounter a glitch "Other track, now!" They leap to the other conveyor belt, but Jay loses balance and falls. Nya grab his hands in time "Aah!"

They successfully pass through the rest of the blades and reach the other side.

"Piece of cake!" Jay says happily "come on Aria"

"Yeah yeah, just go on ahead, I'll catch up" Aria waves her hand

Nya and Jay shrug before moving on. Aria begins to walk straight though the obstacles without having to do anything. The game just started glitching more.

"Oh you ninja are so naive" Aria laughs as she reaches the end "of course their's glitches in the game, and I'm sure their's about to be a lot more"

Aria walks into the temple to see Jay being attacked by Monster Sushi and Nya pulling it off him

"Ow! Aah!" Jay shakes all the Monster Sushi off.

"huh.. that's the first time I've seen a food rebellion" Aria says

"Is your comment's really necessary?" Jay questions

"of course it is" Aria replies happily

 A door opens, and three sushi chefs leap out and start attacking with plates and knives. Jay and Nya defeat two of them with tables and their weapons, only for the third chef to show up with a mace. He throws the mace at them, which they dodge. The Monster Sushi surround them.

Aria runs and fights the third chef while Jay and Nya deal with the monster sushi. Once done, Jay and Nya noticed glitching all over the room.

"What's happening?" Nya questions worried

"I don't know, Aria-" Jay stops when he sees her holding off the sushi chef, her eyes were glowing purple, the glitches was worse around her. Jay gasps "Aria's making the game glitch, her dark powers are too great to be confined by the game, they're seeping in causing the game to glitch"

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