Chapter 34: Lost in Time

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Present Master Wu walks over to the three, back to normal "Failure is often temporary, Kai. It can be corrected. And with effort, it can even be reversed"

"Master Wu" Kai says surprised "You're..."

Aria slowly walks away from the group, she makes her way around to the Past elemental masters and goes over to Past Layla.

"So.. mom" Aria says "I uh.."

"You don't have to say anything" Layla smiles sadly "I could tell by the look in your eyes the moment you knew who I was.. I'm not there for you.. am I?"

"No.. you're dead" Aria looks down

"I thought so" Layla sighs "without the time blades the sanctuary won't work and I wouldn't have gotten reincarnated"

"So that's why dad says the time blades are so important to get" Aria says

"yes, the sanctuary is used by us to be reincarnated or reborn" Layla tells her "I am on my 3rd reincarnation, meaning I've died twice and since you appear to be a reincarnation.. the current you will also die in the future, and then be reborn into you"

"...but if I'm a reincarnation how did you give birth to me?" Aria asks

Layla smiles "Well that would only happen if I was still alive when you die, then you would be reborn, after me and your father.. well.. you know.."

"have sex" Aria finishes

"Right.. you're not my 8 year old.. you're" Layla looks up before looking at her "how old?"

"17" Aria answers

" are you still short.. I mean you're taller then my 8 year old but still" Layla questions

"Hey" Aria looks annoyed

Layla chuckles then looks sad "I know you can't tell me what happens but.." she bends down and hugs her "I'm so sorry.. you've had to grow up without me"

Aria's eyes fill with tears and she hugs her mother back before some tears fall.

"You've grown up nicely my dear" Layla rubs her head "I'm so proud of you"

As Kai, Nya, and Wu hold the Reversal Time Blade, Nya and Master Wu let go, causing the recent events to reverse until the point of when Kai was about to miss Acronix with the Fusion Dragon. As Acronix is about to duck with the Iron Doom, Kai instead avoids the Iron Doom and goes to the ground to pick up Nya and Master Wu as Aria slams onto the Iron Doom.

"That wasn't planned but nice job Aria!" Kai shouts

"We must make sure the future is not affected" Wu says before tossing the past Reversal Time Blade to his younger self

"Mother" Aria looks at Layla "the time blade"

"I will get it" Layla tells her "This is the past time blade, you need the ones from the present"

"The Reversal Blade. But how?" Past Wu questions

"Who knows? But it's dangerous to keep" Past Garmadon replies "The Boiling Sea"

"they're gonna destroy it!" Aria panics

"they won't" Layla smirks "cause I'm gonna take it"

Aria gasps "so that's why you're here"

"honestly darling I'm married to the Dark Lord and I'm an Oni" Layla chuckles "did you think I was a good guy? I only do what benefits me and my family, so if I have to work with the elemental masters to get what I want then so be it, but in the end it'll all for me"

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