Chapter 20: True Potential, Curseworld Part 2

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In the city of Stiix, Jay, Zane, Cole, Kai, and Nya gather around the remains of Ronin's pawn shop, as the Preeminent's tentacles emerge. Civilians desperately flee to the docks, where Master Wu, Misako, and Ronin agree that they need to evacuate the city. The Preeminent fully emerges, with the Ninja unsuccessfully attempting to subdue it.

Meanwhile Morro and Aria are dueling throughout the city. Morro using the sword of sanctuary to keep ahead of Aria's upcoming attacks.

"The more souls the Preeminent takes, the bigger she gets. Say goodbye to your loved ones, and say goodbye to Ninjago!" Morro shouts

Aria slams the ground causing the docks to break, Morro quickly jumps onto a building and Aria follows. As the Ninja battle the Preeminent, Lloyd awakens in the Cursed Realm and flees almost immediately when he sees a group of ghosts. 

Lloyd runs through the Cursed Realm, and suddenly, he finds his father bound in chains on either arm.

"Dad!" Lloyd shouts

"Lloyd?" Garmadon looks up and Lloyd hugs him "My son"

"I'll get you out of here, Dad" Lloyd tries to break the chains

"There's no use. These chains will not break" Garmadon tells him

"Where are we?" Lloyd asks

"The Cursed Realm is the Preeminent, and the Preeminent is the Cursed Realm. Son, you're in the belly of the beast" Garmadon replies "But if you're in here..."

"Morro is the Green Ninja and he's stolen the Realm Crystal" Lloyd explains "I tried, Father..."

"You must not give up. If he has the Crystal, all is endangered" Garmadon says 

"Even Lord Aria, you know the Overlord's daughter, is helping us" Lloyd tells him "she has this sword that can cut through ghosts, but I don't think it's enough"

"Aria's hellfire can burn through the ghosts souls and the Preeminent if she unlocks it" Garmadon says "you must return and help, if she unlocks her true potential she will be dangerous for all, but it might be your only hope"

"You want me to help the new Overlord to unlock her true potential!" Lloyd shouts "No way-"

"Son, long ago their was a time when Aria was the pupil of Wu" Garmadon interrupts

"...she was.. a ninja in training" Lloyd says confused

"indeed" Garmadon nods "Son, what is the best way to defeat your enemy?"

"..." Lloyd stares at him "to make them your friend"


In Stiix, the Ninja continue their desperate battle against the Preeminent and Morro's army of ghosts. Wu and Misako arrive, telling them that their only hope now is to flee the city with its citizens. The Ninja flee the scene, heading to the docks where Ronin slashes apart the Preeminent's tentacles to allow citizens to get on the ship.

"We need to get this ship to sea to put as much water between us as possible" Wu orders

"No problem" Ronin cuts the rope "Maybe one problem" He sees Morro land in front of him.

"It's Morro!" Cole shouts

"I thought he was fighting Aria!" Kai shouts

"Look out, Ronin!" Jay shouts

Ronin and Morro fight. Morro laughs as he knocks the sword out of Ronin's grasps. Then Lloyd, in Garmadon's robe, jumps in and takes the Sword of Sanctuary from Morro.

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