Chapter 23: Public Enemy Number One

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A couple days have passed and Aria was still in Stiix searching for the same stupid thing her dad told her to, with no luck of course. She once again sat in the tavern resting and watching tv for more updates on the ninja.

On the tv the commissioner was talking "Any questions?"

"How do you find a Ninja?" A reporter asks

"The Ninja are still at large and public enemy number one." The Commissioner replies

"hm?" Aria looks up at it

"We've taken their ship as well as secured their known hideouts" the Commissioner says "They will be caught and pay for their crime spree"

"crimes" Aria mutters "yeah right"

The cue ball lands into a pocket, attracting Aria's attention.

"I bet my reelection on it"

Their's was nobody there but the door was open. Aria leaves money on the table and walks out the door. Aria turns into her dragon form and from far behind, follows the ninja on their Elemental Dragons to the Mountains of Impossible Height.

"Seriously? I was the last one to figure out it was Wu's old Monastery?" Jay questions "And Lloyd wasn't even trained here"

Aria turns into her human form in the sky and teleports a short distance to the bushes nearby the ninja.

Lloyd sighs "It'll only be a matter of time before they find this place, too, so there isn't much time. Zane, show them what you found"

"I came across security footage of Sensei at the Library of Domu, and he wasn't alone" Zane says before he shows them the footage.

"Hey, look their's Wu" Cole points at Wu reading a book before turning around frightened

"What happened? Who was he looking at?" Kai asks

The video stopped.

"And no one's seen them since" Cole says

"The library database indicated Sensei Wu had checked out a book about the Teapot of Tyrahn. We originally thought we may be dealing with Clouse. If this is what I think it is, it appears to be far worse. We may have a Djinn on our hands" Zane explains

"A Djinn" Aria says out loud before covering her mouth

The ninja all turn towards the bushes.

"Who's there?!" Kai shouts

Aria stands up and slowly walks out.

"Aria, what are you doing here and not in Ninjago?" Lloyd asks walking over to her

"I was uh.." Aria stops and moves a bit of hair in front of her face, it was blonde 'damn it wrong hair color'

"You were what?" Lloyd asks then looks upset "did the police ask you to find us.."

"No you're wrong, I was worried about you" Aria says "e-everyone's been saying you've all done these horrible things, but their's no way you could've" she shakes her head "their has to be someone framing you"

Lloyd smiles and hugs her "thanks honey"

"I'm so glad I was able to find you" Aria says "they have all your hideouts swarming with police, this was the last one I could check"

"But how did you know about this place?" Lloyd asks suspiciously "it's kinda secret, not even I remembered it for awhile"

" mother took me here to train with Wu when I was a little girl" Aria tells him

"to train.." Lloyd thought

"Uh anyway" Cole interveins

"yeah so Aria was it, hehe" Jay laughs nervously "you said Djinn before when we mentioned it, do you know something about them?"

"huh, yeah" Aria looks at him "Djinn are like genies, only when he grants you wishes, you'll be wishing you never met him. They're very sneaking and like to twist your wishes against you"

"Anything else?" Kai asks

Aria shakes her head "very little is known about Djinn's, even royal families or people who've been around for a long time don't know much about them"

"Alright then it's settled, we'll go to town to learn about the Djinn" Lloyd says

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. If we head back together, the police will arrest us on sight. We should split up." Cole suggests

"But anyone caught alone with this character suddenly disappears." Kai says

"Then we travel in pairs. Zane, you and I will head to the library to see what else we can find" Lloyd takes charge

"Yeah, yeah. And Jay and I will look for clues at the scene of the crime where he framed us. What do you say, buddy, just like old times?" Cole asks

"Ah, sweet. Who doesn't love old times? Eh?" Jay replies

"Kai, you and your sister see what else is out there. If we wanna clear our names and get Sensei back, we need to find this Djinn and take him down. Let's meet back here at sunup. Oh, and guys, look out for each other. " Lloyd warns

"Honey what should I do?" Aria asks

"I think you should stay here where it's safe" Lloyd says "not many people in Ninjago know about our relationship but if someone who does let's it out I don't think the police will leave you alone"

"right" Aria nods and puts her forehead against his "be safe"

Lloyd smiles "I will"

Hours pass and Aria watches the tv to see that Ronin had brought in all the ninja.

"That son of a-"


"BITCH" Aria kicks open the door to Ronin's apartment, with her silver hair

"Ah!" Ronin jumps up "uh.. so you're mad.. about me turning in the ninja"

"I'm.. mad.." Aria kicks him down "that you turned in my boyfriend!"

" I'm dead aren't I" Ronin says

Aria cracks her knuckles "oh hell yeah"

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