Chapter 70: Seabound

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"So once again you IDIOTS have failed to follow a simple order!" Aria shouts

The ninja all stood in front of her looking down.

"You FAILED to catch a common criminal! That had trucks FULL of who knows what!" Aria continues to shout  "not to mention all the damage that water tornado did to the village!"

Nya stays quiet and looks even more disappointed.

"Well uh" Cole speaks "we found out what was in the trucks.. it was vengestone"

"Ugh" Aria leans back in her throne

"It was our negligence that Miss Demeanor got away" Lloyd says "it won't happen again"

"My Vampire Knights are an elite force used for serious matters and are far too busy to deal with every criminal, that's your job as ninja" Aria tells them "it's what I pay you for"

"Wait.. we get paid?" Jay looks at the other ninja

"Yes" Zane replies

"did you think money magically appears in our bank account?" Nya questions

"well.." Jay looks away

"Seriously" Kai facepalms

"Anyway" Lloyd takes a step forward "as for the village we will repair it, and as for Nya's issue we'll get to the bottom of it so these accidents won't happen again"

"Good" Aria crosses her legs "your dismissed"

The ninja all let out a breath of relief that she wasn't punishing them and started heading out. Lloyd takes one last look at Aria before following his team out the door.

A couple days later Lloyd enters the throne room where Aria sat in her throne once again, waiting for him. She looked exhausted.

"What did you want Lloyd?" Aria asks yawning "I'm busy and I'd rather not see you"

"Yeah I know" Lloyd says "I just needed to get your permission to leave, we're going on a journey to find out what's wrong with Nya's powers and apparently according to Wu us ninja aren't allowed to leave unless given permission from you"

"Yeah sure" Aria waves him away "just don't leave the city completely unguarded, leave at least one or two hear"

"Of course" Lloyd bows "thank you.. Aria-"

"If you're going to say sorry or something again for last month, I don't wanna hear it ok" Aria looks at him "You can't bring back the dead"

"...I know" Lloyd turns and leaves

"But I can" Aria stands up and leaves the room with Hanabusa following

"With most of the ninja gone you can focus on your other work more without alarming them" Hanabusa says

"Which works out for me" Aria says as she heads down into the basement


A couple days later Hanabusa approaches Aria who's in the basement working on something(I refuse to reveal what it is yet)

"Lord Aria, the ninja have returned" Hanabusa reports

Aria finishes and sighs "Alright, that will have to do for now then"

They head up into the throne room where only Cole stood.

"Hey cuz" Cole greets

 "So you're the messenger this time?" Aria questions walking over to him

"Sorta, can you give me a ride to Shintaro?" Cole asks

"Cloud Kingdom?" Aria questions "the ninja just returned from the sea and you want to go to Shintaro?"

"Yeah, you see I need Vanya to protect something for me" Cole explains "so could you-"

"fine" Aria turns to Hanabsua "I'll be back"

The two walk outside where Aria transforms into a dragon and looks at Cole.

"Ooo the Empress is escorting me herself" Cole chuckles "I feel honored"

Aria blows smoke at him and he coughs before laughing.

"ok ok" Cole climbs onto her back "let's go"

Once Cole is steady Aria takes off flying, she roars as she soars through the sky. Even if she's only giving Cole a ride, she loves being able to fly. Her dragon form is what connects her closer to her father, she feels like he's flying right beside her. The flowing air and freedom of flying through the sky, it's great.

They soon arrive at Shintaro where they are greeted by the guards and Vanya. Cole climbs down.

"Oh my gosh" Vanya squeals "It's a fully gown dragon, it's black scales are so pretty and they glisten in purple, it's so cool"

"Vanya I didn't properly introduce you two last time, this is my cousin" Cole gestures to Aria

"Your cousin.. is a dragon?" Vanya looks confused

Cole turns and looks at Aria "hey don't make me look like I'm mentally insane, transform back"

Aria rolls her eyes before she transforms back into her human form.

"Lady Aria!" Vanya shouts surprised "..oh right you were that black dragon fighting the Grief Bringer"

"Yeah, Aria and I are cousins, she's also the Empress of Ninjago" Cole explains

"Oh, nice to formally meet you" Vanya bows

"Yes" Aria bows as well

"well sorry to have to cut my visit short, but I need you to protect something for me" Cole tells Vanya

"sure what is it?" Vanya asks

Aria glances out at the city as Cole and Vanya hide the Storm Amulet in the vault.

"Seal the vault and double the guard, Hailmar" Vanya commands

"Yes, my queen. But, what is it?" Hailmar asks

"Something that must never see the light of day again" Cole replies

After saying their farewells the two leave and head back to Ninjago where they went their separate ways.

"How many more are left?" Aria asks Hanabusa as they walk through the halls

"Not much more my lord" Hanabusa replies

"Only about 143" Kaname informs her

Aria sighs "alright, back to work"

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