13. The magic of wolves

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Conroy's POV

"Close your eyes and focus on him. Try to use what love there is between you, however misunderstood it is, and pull him back" she tells me. 

I firmly grip his now cold hand. There is no pulse to be found, no warmth, nothing. What was my living, breathing, seething and angry mate just an hour ago, is now almost dead. It doesn't feel like he is there. 

"I cannot feel him at all" I finally say after searching in the dark. 

Eric starts to cry as if he doesnt know what to do. It's a quiet and heartbroken sobbing that doesn't know it's end. 

I try again. Fumbling in the dark. Fanatically wishing but realistically knowing that our bond was only hurt by everything I did. If I had stayed I could have fixed it, but I was scared of his anger and his fear so I left. If only I had stayed... 

I never managed to do anything to nurture our bond or bring it love. I never conveyed my feelings for him, or my hopes and fears. If only he had known, then maybe... 

Maybe he would have been able to love me too. 

I reach out with all my love, all that I never expressed and in my hopeless search I feel a beat. 

It's just one beat. Frail and little, it's echo fills the distance between us and I can feel him. Another little beat makes my heart treble. And another. And another, until I know that I have found him. 

Gently I embrace it. I echo it. I try to warm it. I try to hold it so that he will understand how I feel but nothing happens. 

"I can feel him" I tell them with sorrow. "But his heart does not respond to me." 

Eric looks at me for a long time before he gives up. His clothes tare as he involuntarily changes into a huge brown wolf. The ragged howl that tumbles through is body sings of sorrow and I shudder at the sheer might of it.  

His sadness is mirrored in me and I close my eyes just one last time. Just to listlen to his heartbeat. This time it's even slower but there is somethting shuffling around it, like a restless shape in the dark. 

When I reach my hand out towards it I'm thrown into a bright memory of seven years ago. 

A big red door towers above. I'm crying because someone has left. Someone who was supposed to stay. Someone I really need. 

I yell at the door. I bang it with tiny fists but nothing happens. It stays shut and the person doesn't return. 

Even though I need them. Even though we're mates. 

As I'm shoved back out of whatever Winter is trying to show me I regain focus. That was Winter and he was crying because I left. He wasn't angry with me all this time. He never blamed me for bonding with him when he was so young. 

He was hurt because I left. 

When I realize this I can't help the tears. They trickle down my face and even though I can't forgive myself I can finally understand him. I'm sorry, Winter. I've always loved you. 

And just as that the little heartbeat starts anew. It pounds and in a moment echoes mine in joyous bliss. When I open my eyes he's starting to come to. 

"Winter" I breathe in releif. 

"Dick, he mumbles at me but I feel his hand sqeeze mine and in his eyes I finally see his true feelings. 

"The magic of wolves is mighty" the witch states as she looks at us when we smile. 

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