4. Grilled apple

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Winter's POV

As Conroy walks out the same door he stormed out of seven years ago, I break down in tears. Slow and scilent drops trickle down my face and I hurry to close the door. I collaps against the dark red wood and hold myself. 

It's not fair that he gets to leave like this! It's not okay how much my body likes his touch. It's not bearable that I have to hurt like this every time he screws me over...

I wrap my arms around myself and wait for the tears to stop. I know they will. I didn't cry for seven years. 

When I drag myself up again a strange shiver goes through me, making my skin itchy. I rasp my nails over my arms and it stops. OK, strange. 

In the bathroom I wash my face and stare into the mirror. Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the ugliest of them all? 

I wipe my face and loosen my tie. The suit I have on is from my graduation and it's a bit tight and uncomfortable. I wring it off and throw it on the dresser. Today is a warm day and the sun is shining but I feel so sad that I can't help but put on my red knitted sweater. 

It's worn thin over the years but the threads are so smooth that I immidaitly feel a bit better. With a pair of shorts on I make my way to Lucas'. My best friend opens after I've knocked three times. He's in nothing but his slacks. The tan skin of his chest looks smooth and warm. 

I meet his eyes and they shine with understanding. Without a word he opens his arms and I step into his embrace. My eyes water again but I don't want to cry so I suck in a deep breath and wipe my eyes with my sleeves. He lets me go when I take a step back. 

"Come in" he says and I follow him inside. "Do you want to play some videogames?" he offers.

"Nah. I don't..." I mumble and drag my hand over the row of jackets in the hall. He has a lot. 

I follow him to the bedroom and Lucas takes of his suit slacks before dressing in a less warm and more casual outfit. I climb up onto his bed and look at his fit body while he changes. He has his back to me and I jeleausly look at his broad shoulders. 

If I was that strong I wouldn't be in this situation. I think about what that would have been like. I would have been happier for sure, and I would have definently been in love with Lucas. He turns around and smiles. 

"Want to watch a movie?" he asks and I nod. He sits down next to me and pulls his laptop onto his lap. 

We're halfway through Beauty and the beast with Emma Watson when I start to feel very warm. I'm leaning against Lucas' hot body so I sit up and leave a few inches between us. It doesn't help. Suddenly a wave of fire licks my skin and I draw a deep breath to keep my cool. 

Luckas looks at me but I shake my head to tell him I'm fine. It's OK, Winter. You're just warm because you're wearing a sweater in summerheat, I try to tell myself when the strange fever makes my body burn. 

But it doesn't get any better. Just as I feel my body calm down and the varmth cool off, a hellish wave of volcanic heat makes me gasp. Lucas looks at me again and pauses the movie. 

"What's wrong?" he asks. 

"I don't know. I'm just really warm.  I think I dressed to hot" I answer and pull at the collar of my shirt. 

I feel a bit better as I fan myself but then suddenly my body burns up again. It hurts as if I'm being roasted alive. A grilled apple over an open flame. Lucas pats my back and looks at me with worry. A small cry escapes me as I feel a burning pain shoot up my spine. My skin prickles and I feel like there is lava in my stomach. 

"Do you want some water?" he asks but I shake my head. Something else is happening downstairs. I feel it build up in the pit of my stomach. I need to... 

Fuck. I realize what this is. NO. NO. NO!  

With desperation I crawl off the bed but my body betrays me and I slip down onto the floor in a not so gracious landing. 

"Winter, by the moon, are you OK?" Lucas squeaks and picks me up in his arms. I shake my head. 

"No. Ah! The heat!" I cry and try to breathe trhough the pain. 

The rest of his small apartment flashes by before I see the bright grey walls of the corridor. Red doors run past us and then we stop in the elevator. My skin is on fire but I'm just about to ask Lucas to put me down when the doors open and he hurries down the hall. 

I'm not fully consious of anything but the raging need inside of me but I hear my brother's voice. 

"What? Why now? Where's Conroy?" Eric says and I shake my head, making the whole world spin. 

"No. Ah! N-not Conroy" I whine and clasp Lucas' shirt in my hands. 

Eric's blue eyes find mine. He's safety and family and love. I give him a pleading look. Anything but Conroy. 

"There is no cure for the heat. You will pass out from the sheer pain if nothing is done and he is the only one who can fix this" Eric tells me with a grim expression. 

Tears wet my face again and I try to make myself look even more pitiable. My brother's face softens. 

"I know you have some things to clear out but this is the only way, Winter" Eric says sweetly and pets my head. "Come with me" he orders Lucas who follows him before we set off down the corridor again. 

Eric stops in front of another door and I try to beg him not to knock but it's no use. When Conroy opens the door I can't even look at him. In that moment I hate him more than he could possibly know. 

Next chapter will be smutty~ 

XOXO <3 

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