14. Are we out of the woods yet?

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I'm just about to call him a dussin other mean things while grinning like a lovesick idiot but my body is jolted by a now familiar tingle. Oh no. 

The warmth is over me and pools in the pit of my stomach before I can do anything. I shudder as I sit up but my body is unsteady. I feel myself falling off the table but before anyone sees Conroy has grabbed me and holds me tight as if we've loved each other for seven long years and not just seven minutes. 

I gasp and they all seem to understand what is happening. When I look at my eldest brother he is looking, not too happily, at my mate; and in Conroy's face I see the green wolfy eyes that posess him when I'm in heat. 

"I won't charge anything for this. Winter and I has a special relationship and I would not want to lose him. Come anytime, Winter. I'll always be here for you" the witch reminds me with a loving smile. I thank her with the same emotion on my face. She has been here for me through all of these seven wolves. 

"I'm glad you worked it out with the right one" she adds as if she can read my thoughts. I just laugh like I always do when she does that. 

"I'll se you soon" I mumble through the sudden smoldering pain in my stomach. My spine aches and I sigh in relief when Conroy picks me up. 

"Though I have a payment to collect from last time, Eric" she reminds my brother who sighs. 

"I'm sorry Grandma" he says. Conroy presses the button to the elevator. I hear Grandma mutter something about bloody witches but both she and Eric stay. Kellan and his mate rides the elevator down with us and I feel more than thankful when Kell offers to drive us to the pack house. 

I don't think my hands can let go of Conroy at the moment. I need to press myself against him or else I'll die. 

The rest of the ride is a hellishly warm rollercoaster where I just get hornier by the minute. 

"Have fun and try not be too loud" Kellan teases when we get there. I flip him off while Conroy briskly - if not desperately - hurries up the stairs to his room. 

As soon as he shuts the door I let out a horrible wail. Everything hurts. My head is on fire. My groin has melted and is now lava. Stupid tears ruin my facade and I feel so helpless and small. I curl in on myself when he lets me down on the bed. 

"Winter, it'll be better soon. I'll make it better; just hold on a second" he promises and shuffles around looking for something in the bedroom. The lava shoots up my tummy and maks my skin crawl with ticklish pain. 

My body heaves with the crying. It hurts moore than last time and I don't know what to do. Unwillingly I let ut a big cry and he's right there. His green eyes lock mine in a safe stare. 

"I'm here, Winter. You're not alone. There is nothing to be scared of. I'm going to make it all better" he promises. I don't know if it's because we're mates or the heat or our newly reforged bond but my entire being, body and soul, shudders with relief at his words. 

Suddenly the heat isn't as scary and the pain not that overwhelming. I just know that he's going to make it better. Conroy caresses my face like I'm the only thing he cares about in this world. 

"Here, hug this" he says and hands me a big cute wolf plushie. It's huge and when I wrap my arms around it I actually feel a bit better. 

But the need is still there. The heat is still wrecking havoc throughout my body. I fumble for him but he's not by my side anymore. Desperately my eyes serach with all their wolfy capacity. I find him at the end of the bed staring at me with more than love, more than heat-induced desire and I can't help but feel better. 

His lips make that perfect princley smile while I watch him take his shirt off. Oh hell. 

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