Finding Mai and Haruhi. and introductions to the others?!

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----Hunny's p.o.v----

Three hours later Riuu came back and brought us to there 'base' of where there main biulding is located.

"Ok Hanninozuka, Morinozuka this is my team" Riuu said as the moved out the way to show us..









"Hanninozuka, they may look young but-prevoke them and youre bood will be spillt over the world" How can he say that with a smile?!

"Ok this is Dai Kajimoji, 17 he is our gunman and also our oldest here. And next is: Yukio Kajimoji, 16 he is our knife thrower top speed is: 80mph. Next is: Charlie Kajimoji- and yes he's origionaly from america- he's 15 he is also our stunt/speaker/swardsman- for when we need to get over biuldins or obsticles-and-when we need someone to talk us out of truble, also he specializes in swardsman ship. And last but not least Akio Kajimoji, 15 ans is our computer hacker- he will be the one to guide us on this mission. And together we are the best team in the company." 

Ok Dai looks to be about the same height as Takashi also he has dark hair with a green tint in it, also he has dark terqoize eyes.

Yukio is a little shorter that Dai, he has pale blonde hair with light hazel eyes.

Next is Charlie he is a little taller that Haru-chan, with brown hair and matching brown eyes.

And lastly is Akio, he is about the same height as Haru-chan, has medeum light-dark orange hair and with dark brown eyes-that almost look black. key word: almost

"Ok so whats the plan boss?"  Yukio said and waked to a table with a hanging light above it- on the table was a sheet of papre. Most likely blueprints.

"Ok so he's the plan.."

-----time skip to start of plan-----

"Ok Charlie well meet you on the roof" Riuu said and Charlie jumped form tree to tree like a monkey, and disapered was wraped in a blanket of black, soon after.

"Dai you got youre guns ready?"

"Yeah" Dai said and he pointed to some traped on his back, he has a hoster around his wist filled woth amo and pistols.

"Good, Yukio you have the knives?"

"Yea, sir" he said and held some up and they were in-between his fingers, and pointed to some in his boots- sleves-and some in his pants..?

"Good-Akio you roger?" Riuu sopke into a bluetooth in his ear, we all have one to keep in tuch.

"Yes,sir and I have a clear reading on all of you: Dai, Yukio, Charlie, Hanninozuka, and Morinozuka"

"Good, have you taped into there camaras?" 

"Yes, but becareful the hallways are empty-i'm checking all the camaras and no-one is there, it might be a trap"

There like a big family..

---flash back---

We were all having dinner and than Dai started to ask Charlie about the weirdest thing.

"Call me big brother" (A/N: anyone? yes? no?...oh..ok..)

"you wouldent"

Big brother"


"Big brother"


then they just staired at each other..with poker faces before bursting into laughter.

"Uh what just happened?" I asked Riuu

"Hm? Oh, they watch this anime called Hetalia and do the same thing as Norway and Iceland woth the whole 'Big brother' thing"

"Hetalia?" I ask.

"YES! I SHIP NORICE" Charlie yelled then jumped on Dai soon all the others started to play fighting on the floor, but the only one not joining the 'fight' was Yukio.

"Hey Yukio? You dont join the 'fight'?" I said and even added quotation marks with my hands to say 'fight'.

"No it's kinda dumb"

"Well its noce to see others smiling for once. Right Takashi?" I said and looked up to takashi.

"Hn, yeah"

---End of flash back---

"OK lets go"

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