chap 19

334 12 3

A/n: ok two things...

1) i never thought this book would go this far.

2) this is Mai's change.


---3rd person p.o.v---

After the brown haired female who is now a bule haired female, the scientists worked on the shorter black haired female. 

They had to do the same to this girl they had to inject her with the same liquid, they used for the other female.

First they changed her hair color; from black to full on white

Next they got blood red colored contacts, and melted them on now; the females eye color is no longer blue its now bloody red.

And lastly they did the same sergery with the re-programed chip to the center of the brain where no one can reach it without permanently damaging the brain..

After they finished the sergery with no problems what-so-ever. they left the now white haired red eyed female to rest with a doctor and a nurse at ther side to be tended to if needed.

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