My name is Riuu Kajimoji

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I whirled around to see a tall male with orange/red hair and terquoize eyes he looks about the age of 20, and he's wearing a light grey sut, with a light purple work shirt under- with no tie.

'Who is this guy- he can probably pass off as a high schooler'

"I could help you gey youre friends back, but you wont like how they've changed"

"Ah- so youre one of them" I said and got ready to fight.

"No im on the other side, I work for S.H.A.D.O.W a company that trackts down kidnaped high schoolers and, we train them for a couple of months and after that times up well-we send them to a family member that wanted there daughter or son back."

When he finished explaining some thing ringed and he put a hand to his ear and started talikng-probably into a bluetooth.

"What? Theyve aleady finished healing?! Thats faster than normal.."

"Yes, get the others ready-were going tomorow night....ok bye"

After that he sighed and looked confused and worried ant the same time.

"What happened?" I say relaxing/ getting worried for Mai and Haru-chan.

"They girls have already healed the operation was last week.." He trailed off as if he was trying to remember something.

"Opertion?" I tilt my head in cunfusion.

'What tipe of operation? What did those guys do to Mai and Haru-chan?' so many questions filled my head as the air grew to an awkward silence.

"yes, operation the company that has youre friends are called 'M.A.D' there crazy scientists who only care about money, they earn money by kidnaping rich girls or boys and operationg on them-they change there apperance: hair, eyes, and some times there hight, and after this if the family dont pay the price that they want the girl/boy will be sold at a black market. And we at the S.H.A.D.O.W corperation, well we break in and get the clients child and bring him or her back, but when there in the M.A.D biulding they have a second operation this operation is very risky.. they..*sigh* they operate on/in the brain-so they add a chip ti the center of the brain, where its extremely difficult to get to with out perminantly damaging the brain. That operation was most likly to have been competed without a problem."

He paused to catch his breath, and to let it all sink in. Then he started..

"Youre friends have already completly healed, which is odd consider ing the operation was three days ago and it normaly taked a couple of months..they also braim wash them so they wont remember there past life-although they do remember it just takes awhile, it'll be a painful prosses. But its all worth it to have the ones you care for back."

Wow. that was a mouth full.. BUt brain wash? What do they look like now?

"What do they look like now?" 

He pulled out his phone and started to tap on the screen and handed it to me two photos poped up.

"The one tithe the darker hair and aqua eyes is Haruhi- and the one with white hair and blood red eyes is Mai"

'They look completely diffrent' I thought sadly as I handed him his phone back.

"BUt- after we retreve the girls back they stay with us at S.H.A.D.O.W for a while mabie..hmm 2 months?-"

"WHAT?! Two months?! are you crazy?!-"

"No, they train to protect themselves, when out in the open. They also heave the choice to be home-schooled or to be sent to the same school they went to before the kidnapping-just in a diffrent name."

Ring Ring

The dude checked his phone and tured around to leave but I stoped him.

"Hey! Wait whats youre name?" I yelled and he stoped and turned to look over his shoulder.

"My names Riuu Kajimoji" and with that he left-into the darkness

'Weird guy Riuu hu?'

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