Saving Mai and Haruhi 4/?

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---3rd person P.O.V---

"Oh sorry, guys this is Snow they found her on the side of the road, so they brought her in and nursed her back to health." Azul said doing a short summary of Snow's 'past' for the group of boys(and man).

"ok..were on our way, Ok we have to move" Riuu said after finishing his short conversation with Akio.

"Lets go Snow! It's like a game of hide and seek."

"Fine, just don't act so childish please, or i'll have to take your gameboy."

"*Gasp* Yes mam" 

And with that they all left the white room where they found Snow.

---Time Skip---

(Still 3rd person)

"So who are you and why do you want us to go with you?" Snow said after checking the hallway for any guards.

"Oh sorry Snow, can we do introductions after we escape?" Riuu said 

"Uhh yeah sure I guess"


A/N: So thats it for now, sorry I just wanted to have something for you guys to read, For the next chapter Mai (Snow) and Haruhi (Azul) and the others will be at 'base camp' or where they came up with a plan. Mostly because I don't want to write about them hiding in the shadows, and there would of had been just a few words said.

So thats it and Ill see you guys n the next chaper


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