Memories Pt 2

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---Kyoya's P.O.V---

"Doctor excuse me, but my friend Mai Morinozuka has forgotten another one of he friends." I say and push up my glasses.

"Hm? Ah yes, my apologies she will have a slight amnesia, it will heal within a month or so..if more come straight back here for X-rays." He said the last part in a serious tone.

"Understood, thank you I must go back excuse me." I said and started to walk back to Mai's hospital room.

---Mai's P.O.V---

"Mai so you don't remember?" Mitskuni asked me looking kinda sad ...why?

"Remember what?" I asked tilting my head in a confused/cute way, that made Mitskuni blush.

'Where's Kyoya? We was here a minute ago' I asked in my head.

Cut out of my thoughts I hear the others murmur among them selves, I only heard a few words.

"-senpai" :Tamaki
"--doesn't remember?" :Mitskuni
"--n" :Takashi
"--then!" :Hakaru, then Kyoya walks in.
"--month or so" :Kyoya
"-ly?wow": Haruhi
"--doing anything stupid?" :Karu
"--ful" :Mitskuni
'what are they saying over there?'

"Guys I can hear you ya know" I say slightly annoyed.

"Sorry.. did you hear anything and if you did please tell us." Kyoys said and started writing in his book...again.

"We'll not much I only caught a few words" I said and scratched the back of my head.

"We'll what-" hikaru started,
"Did you hear?" Karu finished

"Not much like I said I only heard "senpai" form Tama. "doesn't remember" from Mitskuni. Then "n" from Big bro. "Then" from Hikaru. "month or so" from Kyo. "ly? wow" from Haru. "doing anything stupid" from Karu. "ful" from Mitskuni. and that's about it." I finish and take a DEEP breath.

Right when I finish the doctor comes in.

"Ms.Morinozuka needs her rest you all, must leave" the doctor said and checked the papers and writing things down.

"Alright let's go you big ball of idiots" Kyo said wile pushing all the club out.

"Ok bye Mai see you tomorrow" Haruhi said and waked bye before leaving.


'So..what now?...all I can do is sleep, and think what to do... what to do-' I snapped out of my thoughts when a lump on the night stand caught my eye.

'A... book? Takashi prob left it for me' I thought and smiled slightly.

"Two-souls (soul eater fanfic)" I read aloud, 'I remember this Mori did leave to for me tnx big bro!' I thought and smiled and reached over to get it.

The book in a well-written fan fiction the author is aparently a anime fan and she writes really good fan fics like: Soul x reader, Kid x reader, Black*Star x reader, Soul eater (boys) x reader' and a whole bunch more there really good.


Half way-threw the book, my eye list began to feel heavy as lead. so i but the book-mark in the book and set it down and let sleep consume me.


'Photos of the Host Club pass by but thrers something of someone missing hmm.. BUT WHO?! 'FLASH' a light appeared and disappeared as fast as it came. One of my ols memoriesappear, Im running im a feild with some kid he's just running arrooung and jumping like a bunny. Were probably arroung 7 (Mai's 5 and Hunny's 7 years old).

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