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Fuyumi's POV
I walk into the room to see... awwww!!! It's Midoriya and Shoto laying together, both asleep. I smile as I place the bag of food down, the smell blasts into my face, and after a minute of watching them and trying to resist eating I give up. Chuckling, I grab my cinnamon roll and start eating. Soon Natsuo comes in with the other bag of food.
"Um..." he says, seeing the two lovebirds sleeping next to each other.
"Shh..." I hiss at him, knowing that he'll play big brother, "let them sleep, I bet their both really tired." Natsuo wavers, but after a minute of being torn between wether he should let the sleep, or wake them up and yell at Midoriya, he sits down. The cinnamon rolls are really good. The thick icing taste like rainbows (that's gay) and clouds, and for once I feel free. Free of my father. Free of all the weight on my chest.


Todoroki's POV
     As Fuyumi, Natsuo, and I walk into the house I blush at the fact that I woke up next to Midoriya in front of them.
"So are you two dating or something?" Natsuo asks as he jumpes over the couch plopping softly into the cushions and turning on the tv.
"No... not really..." I say heading towards the fridge.
"But you want to date him right?" I look into the fridge for the milk. I hear Natsuo tapping his foot impatiently while he waits for my answer. I find a small carton of chocolate milk and grab it.
"Yeah," I sigh, pouring the milk into a glass.
"Then why don't you ask him out? He obviously likes you back!" Natsuo asks and Fuyumi sits down next to him on the grey couch. She grabs a pillow and places it onto her lap.
"I think you should ask him out too."
"I don't know..." I say as I make my way to a grey chair similar to the two seated couch.
"Dude you have to! He's totally into you!! The way he looked at you while we were eating, if only you could've seen!!!" Natsuo exclaims, changing the show into a scary movie. Is this true? Did Midoriya look at me the way Natsuo said? I mean he did say that he loved me... images of the green haired cinnamon roll flash through my eyes and I know they are right. I have to ask him out!
"Alright," I tell them and Fuyumi smiles happily, clapping her hands in excitement before Natsuo interrupts her.
"If he breaks your heart I'll kill him though." I laugh at this statement. What a way to play big brother.
"Yeah yeah." I get up and place my now empty glass of milk in the cluttered sink before heading to my room, leaving the two to watch their movie in silence. I take my phone out and click on midoriya's contact to text him.

Broccoli boy 🥦❤️ (that's his name in Todoroki's phone)
T- hey, mind meeting me at 6:00 today at Lunar Cafe?

Midoriya's POV

    OMG a text from Todoroki! I bet he just got home and is texting me he's safe. I see the text and my eyebrows furrow, we were just together? What could he need? Why does he want to meet up? My anxiety and worry gets the best of me and I reply back.

M- I'm free now?
T- okay, now is fine. See ya there!
M- see ya there :)

I head downstairs and slide on my black winter coat because it got really cold outside and is currently snowing. I shiver as I step outside and head for Lunar's Cafe, which isn't to far from my house.

Once I get inside I look around for the boy of my dreams, to see him sitting in the corner away from the door and other people. I smile and walk over to him. His nose and cheeks are red from the cold and wind, just like mine. I blush, making the red on my face turn even redder, before sitting down across from him.
"Hi! Did you wait long? I walked here so it took a little longer for me to get here," I tell the beautiful grey and blue eyed boy while rubbing the back of my neck nervously. I try to make eye contact, but fail, those eyes are so cold, yet so beautiful!
"No, I just got here. I walked too," he says in his usual monotone voice. Sometimes it's hard to tell how he feels because of his plain voice, but it always made butterflies flap their wings in my tummy. We sat there, waiting for our waiter to come in silence. I didn't mind it, but I really wanted to know what he wanted to tell me, so my leg was moving up and down excitedly and nervously. I played with my menu too.
"Hello!" A girl say cheerfully, causing both of us to look at her. She has purple hair, white eyes, and she wears a black uniform.
"My name's Katsumi, and I'll be your waiter today. What can I get for the two of you handsome young men?!" She asks with a smile, to which I smile back at.
"I'll have a vanilla latte, please." She nods when I say this, taking my menu away and into her hands. She jots my order down before asking, "and would you like any whipped cream or chocolate drizzle on that?"
"Ummm... sure! Why not?" I say with a smile before looking at Todoroki, the girl turns her attention to him at the same time that I do.
"I'll have a half hot, half cold macchiato with no whipped cream, and make it decaf."
"Alrighty!" The girl says and she scribbles all over her notepad, "and what sizes do you two want?"
"Make them mediums," Todoroki replies and the girl nods, and then walks away. Once she's out of ear shot I turn to Todoroki.
"So..." I say hesitantly, finally looking into his two beautiful eyes, "what did you want to talk to me about?" I ask and he looks away. Is he nervous? I can see the war happening inside his head, he's definitely trying to decide wether he should or shouldn't tell me.
"Shoto? You know you don't have to tell me anything."
"I know... it's just that I have a question for you... and I don't know if I should wait until after our drinks to ask..." he says, looking back at me. I swallow hard as I think of an answer. The cold breeze of outside hits my ankles as the door opens with a ding.
"It's alright. You can tell me now, whatever it is, I'm sure I can answer." Hopefull it's THE question. If it's not, I'm going to feel like a fool.
"Alright..." he says, but then the purple haired girl, Katsumi, appears next to us.
"Here you two are!" She says, handing the two drinks to us.
"Thank you." We both say in unison.
"Of course," she says before setting down a chocolate cake with hearts on it. My eyes widen out of surprise.
"That's on the house!" She says, wiggling her eyebrows at Todoroki. It was hard to notice, but he definitely blushed at that gesture. Was there something between them? Was that her way of flirting with him? Should I be alarmed? Should I not be here? I was too lost in my thoughts to even notice her disappear and reappear at someone else's table. My hands grew sweaty as I grew hesitant. What if he likes her? Would he? Even after our kisses and confessions?
"You see," Todoroki says, snapping me out of my thoughts, "I was wondering if you would... l-like to be my... my boyfriend?" He says, looking at me, but I could tell he wasn't really focused. I felt my heart flutter in excitement and all the thoughts rush out of my head.
"Yes!" I practically yell, and everyone looks over, causing me to blush. Why did I just do that?
"R-really?" He asks me and I nod, a smile growing on my face. I can't believe I'm dating Shoto-Kun!!!!
"Yes, I want to be your boyfriend," I say, softer than before, but loud enough so he can hear. We then eat the cake and drink our drinks, all the while laughing and talking about everything we could think of. For the first time, we forgot about the world, but the world didn't stop thinking about us.

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