Chapter 6 Father Kevin

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Hii I forgot to put the translation in for what Emily said in french until a couple days ago lol. Emily said "I can't wait to finally tell you how much I really care about you" ALSO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1K READS- and I'm sorry for not uploading new chapters a lot, school is stressful and honestly I don't have any motivation to leave my bed so please be patient with me. I will try and upload as much as I can. One last thing is someone was asking why Y/n is so mean to Emily. Her intention isn't to be mean to her. Y/n is in love with her but she has been told her whole life its wrong, she has a whole battle going on inside her head between what she's been told all her life and what she feels, so be patient with her too. She'll come to terms eventually ;) don't forget to vote if you like the story

"What's going on" Emily says as a single tear falls down her face.

She moves to put her hand on the side of my face, but I turn away. I can't handle this right now. I stand up and start pacing, it's my go to thing to do when I'm stressed.

"Emily you have no idea what he said to me" I sob

I have no idea if she can even understand what I'm saying. Seeing Emilys confused and devastated  face broke me. My knees buckled and I fall to the ground as I let out a loud sob. Emilys eyes widen and she rushes over to hold me.

If I could see me right now I would see a completely and utterly broken girl who couldn't handle her emotions. My eyeliner and mascara was all cried off a long time ago and now all you can see are the dark streaks of makeup from my wet tears. My 'sunday best' shirt and jeans have tear stains all over them. My hair is all messed up from me running my hands through it continuously.  I would also see a beautiful black color haired goddess holding me, with one arm just wrapped around me and the other on the back of my head, stroking my hair. If I looked closely enough I wpuld be able to see a few tears falling down Emilys face. It was clear she didn't want to cry, just like Spencer she felt it took attention away from the person who needed their comfort.

"Baby oh god what happened? Who is he? What did he do to you?" She questions quickly, and panicked. I don't blame her, if I saw her like I am right now I would assume the worst. I don't want her to assume something terrible happened but I can't get the words out.

"E-E-Emi-" My voice cracks and she holds me tighter

"It's okay It's okay You're okay I got you" Emily says a few times before pulling away slightly. I tighten my grip on her. I feel as if she lets go she'll disappear, and I'll lose myself. Emily still moves free from my grip dispite my efforts. "No please" I whiper so quietly if she wasn't right in front of me she wouldn't have heard it. My tears are still falling down my face but at a much slower pace.

"It's okay Y/n" Emily says while she hold my face in her hands "I know it feels so hard right now but take a couple deep breathes and talk to me I need to know what happened" I nod and take a couple deep breathes, but when I go to speak once more all you can hear are my sobs and tiny quiet mumbles.

Emily looks away as another tear falls. She sniffles and looks at me, her face full of sympathy. She knows whatever happened hurt me badly, and she was right it did.

"Baby I'm gonna ask you a few questions I'm gonna need you to nod your head yes or no. Can you do that for me Y/n" She says while rubbing my cheek with the back of her hand. All I want is to be held but I know Emily deserves to know what happened.

"Did someone die"

I shake my head

"Good you're doing amazing Baby" she pauses "Did someone steal something"

I shake my head again. One of her hands that was preivously on my face is now on my hand, squeezing it.

"Did someone" She lets out a quiet sob and looks away from me "D-did someone r-ra"

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