Chapter 9 Mon Amour

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Emily helps me out of the bath and drys both of us off. I change into my favorite pair of sweatpants and a tank top. Emily just changes into a large t shirt and knickers, not bothering with pants.

After I get settled in my bed Emily walks away. Moving to my bedroom door.

"Hey E-em" I ask nervously 

She turns around to face me, her left hand on the door frame and the other resting by her side. 

"Yeah baby"

"Could you um sleep with me" Emily giggles and I flush once I realise what I said "N-not like that I-I didn't mean-" 

Emily quickly walks to my side of the bed and cradles my face in her hands. "I know" She gently rubs her thumbs across the sides of my face. "I know what you meant. Although I'm fine with both"

"Emily" I say laughing but also a bit annoyed

She puts her hands up as if to surrender. "Okay okay I'm sorry I know this is all new to you"

I sigh

"I really didn't mean to make you uncomfortable Y/n and I'm sorry if I did"

"No it's fine Em" I assure her before leaning in and giving her a brief kiss.

There it is again.

Those sparks.

That fire I feel everytime she touches me. 

I kiss her again, but this time I don't pull away. I feel like I am in a trance, where everything is okay and nothing can go wrong. Emily slightly bites my bottom lip, causing me to moan softly into the kiss. This time I swipe my tongue across her bottom lip. Emily opens her mouth to let my tongue explore. Emily tastes of strawberries and chocolate. I pull her closer to me. Lifting her by the waist so shes now straddling me. Every movement felt like everything I've ever wanted. She's a drug, and I'm a drug addict. She is my drug. I remove Emilys shirt and pull her closer to me. Immediatly she takes my shirt off. Neither of us bothered with bras. Theyre bad to wear to bed anyway. Our lips are still touching and now our chests our too. I smile into the kiss, breaking away for a moment to catch my breath and look at our bodies touching. The sight of her body on mine is thrilling. I can feel this high coming on that I get everytime I'm with her. Our lips aren't apart for long. Emily kisses me rougher than before, but still filled with passion. Slowly Emily starts to grind against me. I moan loudly into the kiss, not expecting it to feel as good as it did. 

"You like that mon amour" She smirks and she momentarily breaks away from the kiss.

I whimper as a response and she grinds against my sex again. Causing me to let out another loud moan.

"Emily pl-please" I wine

"Please what Baby"

"I want you"

Suddenly she stops all movements. The previous look of pleasure and lust has now been replaced by a look of smpyathy. She stays on top of my and examines my face for a few minutes. My head is still being held in between her two beautiful hands. 

"Baby I want you too but not tonight okay" Emily pauses for a moment and sighs "I shouldn't have even let things go this far Y/n. You went through a lot today. Plus I like to make a rule that I take girls out of dates before I sleep with them." Emily says seriously, but laughs at the end. I laugh too, but I really want Emily. 

I know Emily just wants to protect me and make sure I'm ready. I know I'm not ready, but that doesn't stop me from wanting her. 


Emily moves off of me and puts her shirt back on. Immediatly I miss her warmth and her pressence. Randomly I remember Emily never answered my question from earlier. 

"Hey Em" I ask and turn towards her. Seeing shes getting herself settled into bed.

"Yes Mon amour"

I smile from the name

"Why did you leave your bra and knickers on in the bath" I ask while avioding eye contact

She shrugs "I thought it might be easier for you"


She hooks her finger under my chin so our eyes meet.

"What is it mon amour"

"It's just" I try to shake my head but her finger keeps me still "I feel like you've done so much for me and all I've done is make your life more difficult."

I see tears form in her eyes.

"Y/n I care about you so much. I would do anything for you. Even if that means helping you comes to terms with this and you sometimes getting angry. You were told your whole life it was wrong I don't blame you for any of this. And this will just make our relationship stronger in the end"

"Promise" I ask her, my eyes starting to get glassy

"I promise mon amour" 

I hold up my hand, sticking my pinky finger up. "Pinky promise" I ask and she giggles while taking her pinky finger and wrapping it around mine. She kisses the other side of her hand and I do the same. Then she softly kisses me on my lips and little invisible fireworks go off everywhere.

Shortly after I fall asleep. 

Emilys Pov

Y/n fell asleep about 20 minutes ago. I can hear her cute little snores. I love her. I love everything about her. I never knew I could feel this way about a person. Or this strongly. My feelings for her consume me. It completely overtakes me in the best and worst way possible. In the best way because in the moments where she forces herself to forget how much she hates this. She is everything. We are everything. Every moment like this is pure bliss. I've never been as happy as I am in these moments. In the worst way because when she is feeling bad about all of this it hurts. More than anything else has ever hurt me in my whole life. All I want is to give her the love and life she deserves but in those moments she wont let me. 

One day I'm gonna tell my beautiful sweet girl how much she means to me, and I'm gonna show her. I'm going to kiss every single inch of her beautiful soft skin again and again until she truly knows how amazing she is. 

An idea came to my mind.

I'm going to buy a cute journal, fill it with pictures of us, and write down everything I've said and am going to say in French. 

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