Chapter 16 Mind Reader

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"Y/n come on you're taking way too long." Spencer jokes, and I can't help but smile.

This sweet boy has been my friend for what feels like my whole life. It's a wonder I never fell for him, romantically I mean. If were talking platonically then I am head over heals for Dr.Spencer Walter Reid. It just never happened though. Spencer and I are twin flames. That is the only fact I have never doubted. Not once. I am his and he is mine. I'm protective and jealous over him when it comes to everything. It may sound like I am in love with him but I just don't get that feeling when I'm with him.

That feeling I get when I'm with Emily.

No Y/n. You know it's wrong it's a good thing she's left. My brain argues.

But my brain cannot deny the pure joy and love I feel when I'm with her.

I can't think about this now. My string bean is waiting for me.


I walk out and I give Spencer a look. I see the look on his face. He knows something, he is showing guilt. Spencer is suprisingly easy for me to read. The rest of the team members say they have a hard time reading him, but not me. He's like one of those books that kids learn to read with. Incredibly easy.

I know he's guilty, but of what. I know it's most likely something he isn't saying. Spencer thinks I'm fragile right now. I'm not glass. I'm not going to break just because someone nudged a table a little too hard.

I decided to test him.

"Soo Spence where are we going? We have a case?" I ask while reading him carefully.

Spencer has admitted multiple times that he finds me quite easy to read, and everyone agrees on that. Just not great at hiding my microexpressions I guess. I know that he knows exactly what I'm doing. I also know he won't say anything. He will let his body betray him.

He didn't react to that so I know that's not what's up.

"Nope Y/n we do not have a case. We actually have a little bit of time off."

He told Hotch.

The one thing I wouldn't want him to do. But that's still not it. I see a glimpse of relief in his eyes before being consumed by guilt again.

"I miss Emily." I confess and his eyes give everything away.

That's it. That's what he's hiding.

Now to find out exactly what it is.

I'm like a mind reader when it comes to Spence.

"I hope she's safe."

Spencer reacts the most to that. He even rubs the back of his neck to show how uncomfortable he is.

Anger takes over.

"Alright Spence what do you know? Tell me now." I demand

"She um, Emilys uh"


"Emily is what Spence!"

Shit no she can't be dead. I need more time with her.

"In the hospital Y/n." He pauses. "But she's okay. She's not hurt too badly."

Suddenly my voice becomes quiet and weak like a childs.

"Is she um uh" I laugh a little because of how uncomfortable and difficult this is. "Will Emily be o-okay?"

He nods and opens his arms for me to hug him. From the look of him earlier he wasn't planning on telling me, so I'm very mad at him, but that can wait. I need to be held and told everything will be okay even though no one knows if it will be.

"What happened to her?" I quietly ask into Spencers chest where my head is currently resting against.

"Car accident."

this is terrible and short but i wanted to publish something.

take care babes


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