Hey Babes

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i just wanted to say a few things really quickly.
1. i'm really sorry for not updating more often. living is rlly difficult for me rn and this month all together has been shit.
2. do any of you even want to continue reading this book if i start updating again? like does anyone like this story anymore?
3. this book contains very difficult topics for me including self harm, suicidal thoughts, and homophobia. as someone who has dealt with these things sometimes it's just too much to write it, and sometimes i just don't have the motivation to write.
4. summer is coming up and i'd like to say that means i'm going to write more but that's probably not true. life has been rlly difficult lately and i don't see it getting better so just be aware of that please.
5. if you have any ideas thoughts comments or concerns about this fic please comment or message me.
6. i don't put trigger warnings before chapters so i don't spoil what's going to happen. there is a warning at the beginning of the book.
7. if you have any ideas for this book, or things you want to see please share!
8. i want to finish this fic by the end of summer. i'm so sorry it's taken me so long to write.
9. i really want to ask someone to help write some chapters but i'm very picky about how i write things so it wouldn't rlly work.
10. i love you all so much, and thank you for everything. all the support for this fic has meant everything to me.

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