Chapter 3 Waking Up

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I wake up and my head is pounding. I go to move but there's someones arms wrapped around me. Opening my eyes slowly because of the morning light seeming brighter than usual. As soon as I look up and see Emily my heart sinks. Oh god what happened? Did we sleep together? No I was drunk she wouldn't have. Crap I can't remember anything after getting to the bar. Emily starts to stir as her grip tightens on me slightly.

"Morning" Emily says, her voice is raspy from just waking up

Wow she has a really cute morning voice- wait what am I saying Y/n no.

Emily might've notice me start to tense up because she let go of me. I move to the edge of the bed and realize I'm in different clothes than yesterday. I wanted to ask but I'm also terrified of the answer. I'm facing the wall but I can feel Emily sit up and move towards me. She puts a hand on my shoulder and I flinch, not expecting her touch.

"Can you look at me" Emily asks, saddness lacing her voice

I move to sit up and look at her.

"Do you remember what happened last night?"

I shake my head.

She takes a deep breath before telling me everything. My mind is having it's usual battle with itself. Only ten times worse. My heart drops in fear but also beats faster in jealousy that I can't remember these moments with her. She looks over my whole body, no doubt profiling me. I don't know why everyone seems to be breaking the agreement of no profiling each other lately. I was about to tell her to stop profiling me before she interuppted my thoughts.

"Did you mean it" She asks carefully

"Mean what" I ask trying to sound clueless.

"I believe your exact words were 'I mean it Emily you are the most gorgeous woman I've ever met. Inside and Out'"

I unintentionally cringe at my words. Only half because I said this to Emily,the other half because I was so drunk when I said this.

"I-" I try to collect my thoughts and come up with a good lie

"You meant it didn't you? And it scares you?"

"No why would I mean it" I finally say

"What do you mean Y/n you kissed me and begged me to sleep with you"

"Well blame it on the 20 shots I had"

"Drunk words are sober thoughts aren't they." She repeated the same words from earlier. "What did you need to forget about so badly anyway" She sounds angry now.

Heat flows into my face as the momories from last night pop into my head.

"No" I say sternly "You need to leave. And it's none of your business why I might want to forget about my life for a night"

She looks shocked and heartbroken


"You heard me get out"

"But Y/n you told me I-"

"I dont care what I told you Emily Prentiss. I didn't mean any of it"

"Are you serious right now"

"Yes. I am 100% serious right now. I. do. not. like. you. nor. will. I ever."

I can feel the tears fill in my eyes. Emily looks like someone just tore her heart out of her chest. She goes to speak but nothing comes out. Tears start streaming down both of our faces. She turns around and puts her hand on her head while she paces back and forth.

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