Chapter 11 She Left Me

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I cant believe she left me. Emily didn't even give me a chance to explain.

Call Emily and explain Y/n. She thinks you don't care about her and you do.

I really do I care about her so much.

I walk into my bedroom and grab my phone before sitting on my bed. Scrolling through my contacts and finding Emily's name.


I smile for a moment when I see the heart next to her name, but the feeling of my heart breaking returned too soon. I quickly press on her name and the phone starts ringing.

"Hi" I hear through the phone and my heart leaps at the chance I get to explain myself.

"Emily I'm so fucking sorry please let me"

"I'm sorry I cant come to the phone right now. Leave a message and I'll get back to you"

She didn't answer.


"Em I I don't even know where to start. I'm so sorry please let me explain. I do care about you. Please answer the phone."

I hang up and try again ten minutes later.

Once again I get her voicemail.

"Emily please give me a chance to explain"

I hang up

Through the next hour I called her 5 more times. Every time leaving a short voicemail.

Call her one more time Y/n

I do just that. Just like all the times before she doesn't answer. I decide since she isn't going to answer I'm going to explain in my voicemail.

"leave a message after the beep" I hear the machine say before hearing that irritable beep that I've already heard 6 times.

"Baby I am so so sorry please let me explain. Emily please I need you. I-I swear I have an explanation and it's not something stupid like I was feeling bad so I went out and got a paper just please let me come see you. I care about you so much please please let me explain."

I know I'm being repetitive but I need her to understand. I throw my phone across the room because I can't look at it anymore. I cant stand the fact that Emily doesn't want to talk to me. I need to explain myself. I plop down on my couch and place my head in my hands.

I hear my phone start ringing from behind across the room. Immediately I perk up and rush over to my phone. Right away all the hope that filled inside of me disappeared. It wasn't Emily calling back to tell me I can explain or even to stop calling. It's my mother. I have no clue what she wants but I know that this won't go well. After debating on wether or not to answer for a moment. I settle on answering.

"Hey Mom" My voice is slightly shaking but I sound good enough that she won't ask questions.

"Hi sweetie" She sounds cheerful.

5 seconds

Normally she's sweet and nice, but whenever it came to girls, boys, my sexuality, or anything involving the church everything went south. Most times we had about 25 seconds of decent conversation before she asked something she knew would cause chaos.

"How are you" She continued

"I'm doing good what about you" I try to be as civil as possible without dragging on the conversation.

20 seconds

"Oh I'm okay" She sighs dramatically "We miss you at the church"

25 seconds ding ding ding. End of civil conversation.

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