Chapter 2 Confession

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I pull away and go to open my car door but Spencer grabs my arm lightly.

"Are you sure you're okay" Spencer asks worried

"No" I say honestly "But I will be"

He doesn't say anything. Spencer lets go off my arm and we both walk into the bar. Everyone is already sitting at a circular booth with their drinks. They don't notice our presense until we're right next to the booth. Their faces all turn into concerned frowns. I'm confused for a moment but then I remember my face is probably still very red and puffy from crying.

"Is everything okay?" Derek asks

"Of course" I say with smile, silently telling him to drop it.

Derek and Peneople drop it and start a conversation about their favorite drinks. Spencer and I sit in the booth. I'm in between Emily and Spencer, Spencer is on the end. We all talk for a while but the whole conversation I can feel Emilys eyes on me. The topic changed to Morgan talking about how much he loves kicking down doors and I feel Emilys hand silde onto my thigh. I stop breathing for a moment and my heart skips a beat. All the thoughts I was previously having returned. As much as I deep down loved it when Emily did her little gestures, it always made me going into a frozen state. My thoughts are going crazy between how much I like her and how wrong it is. I don't even notice my breathing start to speed up because of how zoned out I am. I feel the fimilar feeling in the my stomach and my eyes widen. I quickly take a shot of whatever was on the table. The burning feeling of it going down my throat bringing me back to reality along with Emily squeezing my thigh.

I look over to her and she looks incredibly worried. I just give her a little smile and grab her hand and move it back to her lap. As I rest her hand back on her lap I realize I didn't move my hand back yet. There's a moment of sweet bliss where I actually got to enjoy it, but as soon as I remember what my mother had said I remove my hand.

          Flashback to 9th grade at Y/ns house

"Wanna practice kissing" my bestfriend, Luna asks me as she sit on my bed

"Why" I ask genuinely curious as to why she's asking me

"Me and you both don't have boyfriends to learn with plus I don't want to be a bad kisser with them"

"Okay" I agree not thinking too much of it. I never really thought about having a boyfriend. I always thought Luna was very pretty.

I sit down on my bed next to her. I look in her eyes, then move to her soft lips, then back to her eyes. She does the same before putting one hand on my face and pulling me into a kiss. It was awkward and slow at first. Slowly it started to get more intense and passionate. I lick her bottom lip with my tongue to ask for permission and she opens her mouth a little more. I slip my tongue in and she lets me take control. My tongue exploring her mouth. I'm enjoying this more than I should be. Things were starting to heat up a lot more and she starts to lean back onto my bed. I follow her and she tugs at my shirt. She pulls away from my lips and looks into my eyes.

"Want to practice something else too" She asks with a grin

I don't say anything, I just go back to kissing her intensely. I let my hands wonder on her body slowly and carefully in case she changes her mind. Just as I was about to take my shirt off my bedroom door swung open. It's my mother. She looks both horrified and disgusted. She scoffs before turning around but not walking away.

"Luna you have two minutes to get your disgusting sinful ass out of my house before I personally kick you out" My mother says, her voice filled with nothing but anger

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