Chapter 5: First Blood

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The rubber bullets rip through the air and into the street. You can hear the Mamono scream as they're hit, followed by the sounds of their bodies hitting the asphalt as they drop from the shots. 

Mamano: " IT'S AN AMBUSH! "

You continue to fire into the cloud of chemicals that was the tear gas as you continued to land shots on the Mamono invaders until your M60 ran out of ammo. 

(Y/N): " Let's go. "

You run down to the floor below while putting on your gas mask and jump out the window. When you hit the ground, you roll out and pull out your Spaz-12 and start blasting shots at the tear gas stricken Mamono. The gas had been out for a bit so it was slowly dissipating into the air, so you had to work fast with what you had. You began to fire the beanbag rounds at as many of the Mamono that hadn't fallen yet, knocking them down and out. The gas finally disappears.

(Y/N): " They should still be effected by the gas I have to wo- "

All of a sudden, one of the Mamono that you hadn't noticed in the gas, flanks you from your right side and tries to grab you.

(Y/N): " WHOA! "

You point your Spaz-12 at the Mamono's chest and fire, which launches her backwards. Another Mamono takes advantage of the surprise attack and locks you in a choke hold

(Y/N): " SHIT! "

You then see a third Mamono picking up her weapon to fire at you. You think quickly, and pull out your M1911 and fire a tranquilizer shot at the Mamono who was pointing her gun at you. The Mamono freezes for a second before falling over unconscious. You then elbow the Mamono who had you in the choke in the liver. You feel her weight shift forward, so you grabbed her by the arm and throw her over the shoulder before bringing your elbow directly on her face, knocking the Mamono out cold. You look around to see if there were any more threats left, you could see no one. 

(Y/N): " Ok, I think that might be it. "

You then begin to hear something similar to the sound of clapping.

????: " Nice moves little man, i'm impressed! "

(Y/N): " Or maybe not........ "

You watch as a tall seven to eight foot, black furred Mamono who was wearing a gas mask turn the corner to the building on your far right to face you. She had long, black, and furry arms and legs with a bit of dark red mixed in along with tufts of fur all along her body, with paws the size of your head and claws the lengths of butchers knives. You had seen this monster girl as you read through the encyclopedia earlier. The Hellhound walked down the street until she was just about ten feet away.

(Y/N): " You're a Hellhound, aren't you? "

????: " Oh? It seems you know your stuff about us Mamono, quite impressive for a species that seem like a bunch of idiotic male brutes such as yourself. " 

(Y/N): " Really? I'm the stupid one? Then explain why all your soldiers, that were sent with you, are now all out cold? "

????: " Shut up! Apparently my soldiers are in need of some more hand-to-hand combat lessons. "

(Y/N): " Oh? You taught them yourself? "

Sata: " Well, you're looking at Staff Sargent and lead combat instructor of the Mamono army, but the name's Sata. "

(Y/N): " Ah, the lead combat instructor of the invading Mamono army. How can that be? "

Sata: " Hm? "

(Y/N): " Well, I was just thinking, whoever taught them that shit you call hand-to-hand combat, must be the worse fucking martial arts instructor the universe has even seen. "

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