Chapter 10: Another One...

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P.O.V: (Y/N)

You continued to catch your breath as the Jabberwock stood above you.

Carol: " My name is Carol, and I am a Captain of the Mama-. "

(Y/N): " Oh can you all just fuck off already!? "

The Jabberwock stops mid-speech. 

Carol: " Excuse you?! "

(Y/N): " Excuse you yourself asshat! "

Carol: " Wh- "

(Y/N): " I have hauled my ass along two states, getting my ass attacked at every corner I turn! Now you show up, right after I wrecked my car, after you and your little High Orc buddies fucking take my hostage, and the only thing keeping me from getting my head blown off! So no I'm not going to excuse myself! Asshole! "

Carol: " You got some nerve kid! "

(Y/N): " Ok, first off, i'm twenty one, i'm not that old, second off, you'd be pretty pissed off too if you had a minimal amount of sleep, wrecked your car, and, oh yeah, your entire species was kidnapped, along with the only person left in your family being taken with them. "

The Jabberwock jumps from the truck and down in front of you. She stands up about three feet away from you. She was about your height, and had an aura of power around her. 

Carol: " I've seen first hand what you have done to people like Eillea and Sata. "

The Jabberwock cracks her knuckles. 

Carol: " Don't think i'll be making the same mistakes they did. "

(Y/N): " Really? Well, that should be interesting with your shoe untied like that. "

You point to the ground. The Jabberwock looks towards her feet. When she does this, you dash forward and deliver a right straight into the stomach of the Jabberwock. You notice she doesn't move as your fist makes contact. You look at Carol's face and she looks unfazed and annoyed. 

(Y/N): " Oh.................. shit. "

You then feel your face get blasted by a strong right hook as you are sent flying sideways into the desert next to the roadside. You skip a few times on the ground before slamming into a boulder. You fall back onto the ground with the wind knocked out of you from the flight you had just taken a second ago. You stand back up on shaky legs to see the Jabberwock flying right at you with her arm cocked backwards. You move your head out of the way just in time before Carol's arms flies by your face and through the rock that had stopped your slide into the desert. You pivot around towards Carol and put your hands up. 

(Y/N): " Dragon Spirit!: Level 2! "

You throw a jab to the head of Carol and land the punch. You then throw another jab, this time to her body. This punch lands as well, and you use this to set up a right straight to the body. Unlike the last right straight that did no damage, Carol is knocked backwards. She slides backwards away from you. You both drop your fighting stances and look back at each other. 

(Y/N): " Ok...... You're really beginning to piss me off.... "

Carol: " Well, I hope you aren't too mad yet- "

Carol extends her claws and bring them down to her sides. 

Carol: " -Because i'm just getting started! "

You see a blur fly towards you. You jump back and feel the front of your shirt get ripped off. You also feel a stinging pain along your chest. You look down after landing and see a large, claw-like gash along your torso. 

(Y/N): " Fuck! Is this bitch trying to kill me?! "

You look back up and see Carol rushing you again. This time instead of a hit and run like attack, Carol stops in front of you and swings her claw downward at your face. You sway your head just in time, as you only get a bit cut along your face. In response, you throw a right straight and connect with Carol's nose. She stumbles backwards. You take the opening to dash head on into Carol's attacking range. She swings her claws at you again, but you slip Carol's hands and land a mean knee to her body. She stumbles back again, this time hunched over. 

(Y/N): " Now's my chance! "

You rush Carol for a second time. Carol turns her back to you.

(Y/N): " That's weir- "

You then see something that you neglected to notice before the fight started. It was Carol's tail, that was now hitting maximum velocity towards your rib cage, even worse, it was the side that was injured in your last fight. You throw your arms in front of your ribs and Carol's tail slams full force into your arms. You hear a crack, and then a sharp pain in your side. You're sent flying again and hit the ground, hard. You clutch your ribs as you start cursing in pain.


You hear footsteps as you continue to writhe in agony along the desert floor. 

Carol: " You know, you really were a decent fight. Sadly, you weren't good enough to win. "

(Y/N): " Damn it, if I wasn't injured before I could go higher with my Dragon Spirit. "

You watch as Carol raises her claws to the sky to strike you one last time.

(Y/N): " Is she going to kill me, or is she just going to knock me out? "

You raise your arms to defend the strike, but it never comes. You hear something, like a very fast object moving through the wind. You see a spike fly through the air right in front of Carol's face. Carol looks over from where the spike came from to see that Lucia was standing with her tail raised from a distance. 

Carol: " LUCIA?! "

You hop up without a second thought as you cock your right hand back and slam an overhand right into the chin of Carol. She face plants. You kick her to see if she gets back up. You get no response. 

(Y/N): " Oh thank god she's out......... "

Lucia: " (Y/N)! "

You see Lucia run over to you. She grabs onto you and props you up. 

Lucia: " Are you ok?! "

(Y/N): " I've been better...... Thanks for the backup. "

Lucia: " We need to get you to a safe location! Where's the car?! "

(Y/N): " Wrecked...... We're going to need to walk until we find another mode of transportation. "

Lucia: " Alright. Lets walk along on the highway. It's getting dark, but there's another town nearby, maybe that'll have something. "

(Y/N): " Lets go. "

You two walk back to the side of the highway and start walking towards the exit to the town, but you could only think of another question, a question that had been lingering in your mind for a while. Why was Lucia helping you? That was the only thing that you thought as you continued your journey to the end. 

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