Chapter 15: ......Alright For Fighting!

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You hear the jukebox change songs as the first Mamano jumps at you. You pull one of the pistols out of your pocket and fire off one of the rubber bullets you had loaded in the first one. It knocks the Mamano back as the rest charge you with several of them being armed with clubs and other melee weapons, along with anything in the truck stop they could get their hands on. You unload your first pistol into the crowd as they threw themselves at you. You jump onto the table you were first sitting at. Several of the Mamano swung staffs and clubs at your legs and you step back and jump on one end of the table. You jump over the two Mamano that were attacking you. You land on a table that was next to your booth and land on the side opposite of the Mamano. The table had one center leg, so the other end of the table flys up and nails the two Mamano in the chin. One of them was carrying two nightsticks that land in front of you. You roll forward out of the roundhouse kick of another Mamano as you grab the two sticks mid roll. Your heart was pumping fast as you didn't even care what Mamano was what, you could only think of one thing, survival. You activate level two of your Dragon Spirit as you spin around and nail the Mamano who tried to kick you right in the temple. You knock her out cold and turn your attention to the other Mamano. You slam the stick in your right hand into the left arm of the first Mamano, followed by turning and spinning wheel kick the Mamano behind you. You then throw the other nightstick you had in your right arm to one of the two Mamano. She catches the stick, confused, before you drop kick the two in the face, dropping the both of them.You land with your back to the floor and roll underneath another table next to you. You're then grabbed by your leg and pulled out from the table. 

(Y/N): " SEIYA! "

You nail the Mamano with and up kick to the chin and KO her. You kip up and jump behind the counter of the kitchen as other Mamano hop the counter to try and capture you. You pull out your second pistol with tranquilizer darts and being to fire off more shots than a bartender during happy hour. You run out of darts as another Mamano throws herself at you.

(Y/N): " Do these assholes never end?! "

You grab a dinner plate and smash it across the Mamano's face and take her out of the fight. You then block the punch of another Mamano that approached you. You lift her up over your head and throw her across the counter at another bunch of Mamano that were on the other side of the counter before jumping over the counter yourself behind her. At this point you were pissed as hell, and wanted to get out of there with the truck and Lucia. You decide to express your anger towards the never ending horde of Mamano. 


The Mamano charge you as your anger boils over. You slam a right straight into the head of the first Mamano that charged you before ducking down and hitting the next one with an upwards elbow ALA Yair Rodriguez. You roll again into the next Mamanos leg and lock up a heel hook. You crank her heel as you feel the ligaments in her leg tear into shreds. 

Mamano: " AHHHHHHHH! "

She falls to the ground in agony. You stand back up and throw a leaping left hook into the head of the next Mamano to charge at you, figuratively taking her head off. You take down the last Mamano in front of you with a double leg takedown and slam her into another table, breaking it in two. You hop into full mount and start slamming elbows from hell into her head out of pure rage towards everything that had transpired in the past couple of minutes. You weren't even pissed at anyone in particular, not even Lucia for taking so long. You stop throwing the elbows once you realized the Mamano you were fighting was out cold. You look around to only see the Succubus waiter that had tried to take advantage of you. She was speechless towards what you had just done, looking at you with what could only be described as shock and horror towards your anger fueled rampage towards anyone in the truck stop at the time.

SW: " Oh my god........... Oh my god........... "

(Y/N): " So..... Was that enough of a fight to prove this body ain't for nothing? "

The Succubus looked appalled at your question and barely stuttered out a response. 

SW: " Wh......... What? "

(Y/N): " You heard me. Now give me an answer. I'm not going to say it again. "

You were more or less trying to scare her so she would listen to every word you had to say next. You begin to walk towards her and she begins to crawl backwards in fear. 

SW: " HOLD ON! "

The Succubus hits the wall and you crouch down to eye level with her. 

(Y/N): " I'm not going to hurt you, but you have to tell your queen Druella one thing for me. "

SW: " O-Ok.......... "

(Y/N): " Tell that bitch I'm coming for her. "

You hear the door of the Truck Stop open behind you. You turn around in a fighting stance only to see Lucia. 

Lucia: " Holy shit! What happened?! "

(Y/N): " Customer service. Could have been better though. Solid two out of five. "

Lucia: " Haha. Come on, I got the truck. Lets get out of here! "

(Y/N): " Right. "

You run to the truck with Lucia and drive off with her at the wheel. You now had one of the main components you needed for your plan. Now, you thought you yourself.........

(Y/N): " Onto phase two........... "

Authors Note: Sorry for the lack of updates recently, took up wrestling for a couple of months, not really my thing, but hey, I learned something new. Also here's the clip of Yair Rodriguez throwing the elbow that is used during the fight. Some crazy shit I tell ya.

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