Chapter 3: Thunder Rat

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????: " You're quite vulgar. You know you shouldn't talk to your superiors like that. "

(Y/N): " No one is superior to anyone here, but I do see some monster chick who believes they're superior to the humans they're imprisoning. " 

You say this without breaking your fighting stance. You hadn't read about this type of monster girl so you proceeded with caution.

????: " Well, if you want to put it that way, i'll just say it outright. Give me lieutenant general Lucia, and then you're going to have to come with me. "

(Y/N): " You think i'm going to come with you? In your fucking dreams! " 

You bum rush the chick only to be met with a electric shock that surged through your body before launching you backwards. You hit a wall back first, which knocks the wind out of you. You notice that your shirt had been singed. 

Elliea: " What an arrogant little boy thinking he can just charge head right into an unwinnable battle with Corporal Elliea. "

You stand back up, and right as you do so, Elliea points her finger at you like it was a pistol and a lighting bolt flies past your head. You dive out of the way as Elliea fires off another shot from her finger behind one of the food racks. You were lucky they were built into the building and weren't wire racks, as those would have provided no cover whatsoever. You pull out your phone and quickly start to scroll through the encyclopedia. Before you can find a monster girl that looked like the one you were fighting, Elliea popped out from around the corner and fired off another shot from her finger, hitting you in the side of the shoulder as once again another sharp pain coursed through your body. You were again knocked backwards, this time into one of the fridges holding drinks. Your body slammed into the glass window, causing it to shatter over your body as glass shards fall onto your shoulders and back, causing small cuts on said body parts. Elliea then walks over you and stands over you.

Elliea: " All you have to do is come quietly, and I guarantee no punishment will come to you. "

You don't say a thing before muttering out two words. 

(Y/N): " Rule one........ "

Elliea: " Hm? "

(Y/N): " Rule one about fighting........... Never let your guard down. "

You bring your right leg up to your chest and kick upwards, nailing Elliea in the jaw and knocking her down. 

Elliea: " GAH! "

You take this opportunity to grab your phone and slide head first into the next isle, putting a wall in between you and Elliea. You scroll down a little more before finding a picture of a monster girl that looked almost exactly like Elliea. The monster was a Raiju, which the encyclopedia defined as a weasel that has electric abilities that include an electric current surrounding its body. 

(Y/N): " Shit! No wonder when I tried to punch her I got electrocuted. "

You shut your phones power off as you try to figure out a way to beat her.

(Y/N): " I can't throw any punches, but since the bottom of my shoes are rubber, I can hit her with some kicks, but I still have to figure out a way to use my hands in this fight. "

As you're thinking, you hear the crackling of electricity intensify behind you. 

(Y/N): " Oh sh- "

A light shock wave rips through the gas station as you are launched across the room into the utility display cases. Once again the glass cases break as you're thrown against them and the cuts on your back and shoulders open up a little more from the impact. You then notice something laying on the ground. You grab them dash into the last isle near the front of the store. 

Elliea: " Alright, now i'm pissed. "

You can hear her walking to the isle you had just rolled into. You slip the thing you noticed on the ground onto your hands and you wait for her to appear. As Elliea round the corner with her finger outstretched you grab her by the wrists and hit her with an uppercut to the jaw, knocking her backwards. 

Elliea: " Wh- What?! How- "

She looks at your hands to see what you had found on the ground that you had seen earlier in the display cases, a pair of insulated gloves.

Elliea: " Shit! "

You could tell she was slowly getting angrier as she assessed the situation.

(Y/N): " Rule two. Never let emotions get the better of you. "

You rushed her and throw a one-two with the first punch going to the stomach and the second landing cleanly to the head. Elliea stumbles back and you continue to keep the pace flowing in your favor as you jump forward and throw a left hook towards Elliea's head. Surprisingly, she sways her head back and dodges the punch. 

Elliea: " Don't get cocky just because you figured out a way to land a couple of punches! " 

She points her finger towards you and charges up a lightning bolt. You smack Elliea's hand away from you before she can release the bolt, and it flies behind the cashiers counter. 

Elliea: " Ah- "

You slam your heel into her kneecap, causing Elliea to stumble backwards. You follow this up by nailing Elliea with a spinning side kick to the body, pushing her up against a wall. Elliea keels over in pain as her electricity fades. 

(Y/N): " THERE!

You jump forwards off your back leg, and kick Elliea upside the head with your front leg, knocking her out cold. Before she can fall to her side and hit her head on the linoleum floor, you catch her and lay her out on the floor. You don't know why you did it, but you did. You looked at her and chuckled to yourself. 

(Y/N): " Heh, " Crane Technique, done right, no can defense. ". Now............" 

(Author's note: If you get this reference, I love you.)

You walk into the back room to where Lucia was being held. As you walked in you could see her panicking.

Lucia: " What the hell was that?! "

(Y/N): " Nothing, but I got some serious fucking questions for you, but i'm not asking them here. "

Lucia: " What?! "  

(Y/N): " Our hideout was compromised. We gotta go. "

You say this while picking Lucia, who was still tied up. You run out to your car and toss Lucia in the back seat. You then slide over the hood to the drivers side and start your car. You peel out of the gas station and get back on the road towards the next stop, not knowing when that next stop will come. 

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