𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊 𝕯𝖔𝖜𝖓

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A/N Guys I am so sorry for not updating. Honestly I forgot all about my wattpad for a bit. However, I'm back now and hopefully y' all are still here. :) Also there's going to be a slight time skip because of all the horse riding and talking... and people.

"Holy shit." I said as the three of us walked into one of the hotel rooms to find a man tied to a chair, dead. "The fuck happened here?" Dina asked as we walked closer to the man. "Tommy did this." Ellie took a closer look at the guy as I walked around to see if there was anything we could use. "It was definitely him. This is one of the ones that killed Joel." 

"There's another one over here." I said as I squatted down. He too was tied to a chair but the chair was tipped over. Ellie and Dina both walked over, Ellie slightly in a rush. "I don't recognize him." Ellie said. "Yeah, me neither." I said as I stood up.

"He was using them against each other." Ellie stated as she looked between the two. "How?" Dina asked. "Joel told us about this." Ellie began explaining the situation. "You ask this guy a question, but you don't make him say it... you make him  write it down. Then you ask this guy, and if the facts match, they're telling the truth, if not -"

"You fuck 'em up." Dina cut Ellie off. "Yeah." Ellie took her bag off and puled out the map we've been using. The two began talking about the direction we need to go in while I sat on the table and listened. When they were done Dina went ahead leaving Ellie and I in the room. 

"You okay?" I asked genuinely asked. "Yeah. I just really want to find them." I stood up from the table and placed a hand on her shoulder. "We will, I'll make sure of it." 



An explosion went off as our horses jumped over a barrier thing. My ears rang a little as I fell onto the ground. I heard voices but they were muffled. As the ringing went away there was two gun shots and yelps from the horses. "(Y/n)." I heard Ellie's voice. "Ellie." I rolled onto my stomach, hissing through the pain of just landing on my back and search for the girl. It wasn't hard to find her as she was crawling towards me. 

Someone then came up behind her and this caused me to try and get up. However, I was kicked in the stomach by someone and hit in the side of my head with something hard. 


"Didn't think I'd see you two again." A guys voice said as I was smacked on the face a bit. "What the fuck man?" I said as I realized the restraints on my wrists. "How'd you two find us?" I chuckled. "Well, someone I know would say something along the lines of asking about a dude with a bitch ass scar across his face." 

"Hmm, that's funny." The guy stood up and walked towards the table that was in front of me. I heard the sound of a pocket knife and then watched as the guy picked up Ellie by the hair and placed the knife near her throat. "How many came with you?" He smirked as Ellie's breathing picked up and I struggled against my restraints. 

"Just you three?" He asked again. "Let her go!" I yelled. "Answer the questions!" 

Ellie's chuckle rippled through the room. Making us both look at her. "You can't stop this."

"Jordan!" Another guy walked into the room. "You're supposed to be out looking for the other one! What the fuck is this?" Jordan let go of Ellie. "Y'know that smuggler that we killed out in Jackson?"


"These two were there." He walked up to the guy after sticking the knife in the table. "They're coming after us." I looked at Ellie with a stern look and she gave a small nod as the two talked.

Just as the one guy who came in was about to shoot Ellie a bullet came crashing through the window above and hit the guy, killing him. Dina came crashing through right after and Jordan pointed his gun to her. He didn't shoot, instead he looked at the guy that was now dead. "You shouldn't have come here." Just as he was about to do something, I got my restraints off and grabbed the dead guy's gun. 

"Hey, fucker!" I yelled making him turn towards me. "You shouldn't have helped kill Joel." I said just before Ellie got her restraints off and jumped the guy, stabbing him in the throat. "We should go." Dina said as Ellie searched Jordan's body. She ended up finding a picture of a girl and a letter. Then people came and started shooting at us as we hid behind the table. 

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