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I busted out laughing. "It's amazing you think that." I looked at the group after putting JJ back onto the floor. "Really?" Ellie asked while tilting her head. "Yeah. If anything I'm the last person you'd want to be a father." I walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water. 

"Wait, what makes you think you wouldn't be a good dad?" Ellie had followed me into the kitchen. She sounded a bit irritated. "Look at me Elle, I don't exactly look like the type to be a dad. Plus, I don't think I have to capability of looking after something so small and a human being at that." She placed her hands on her hips and scoffed. That made me confused even more.

"Well you seem to take good care of JJ when he's around."


"What? You don't want to have kids some day?!"

"Hey." I set my glass of water down and my brows furrowed. "I never said that." 

"But that's what you're implying isn't it?!?" Tears formed in her eyes. "Well maybe I don't! What's so wrong with that!?!" I yelled. It was silent for a while as tears ran down her face. I then realized that I had just yelled at her. Which I haven't done in a long time. "Elle I-" 

"Don't." She pushed passed me and out the back door. Slamming it. I sighed and leaned against the sink. 

"You two okay?" Jesse asked as he walked into the kitchen and stood next to me with JJ in his arms. "I think you know that answer." I looked at JJ and he only smiled at me. "I think you two just need to talk some things out." Dina joined us with JJ's dipper bag. "We have some things to do anyway." Jesse pat my shoulder before following Dina out of the house. 

I let out another sigh as I made the decision to go find Ellie. 

I knew exactly where she was though so it wasn't much of a hunt. We had a barn that we kept the sheep in during the night and there's a second floor in it. Ellie usually goes there to get some peace and quiet or just whenever she want's to be alone for a while. 

I made my way passed the sheep and up the ladder. She was there, arms wrapped around her knees as she watched the sun start to set. Tears stained her cheeks as I made my way to sit across form her. 

"I'm really sorry I yelled at you." 


"I'll make you some pancakes if that gets you to stop being mad at me."

"I'm not mad at you. I don't have the right to be mad at you." I placed my hand on her arm. "Do you want to tell me why you were irritated then?" She unraveled from her stop and made her way onto my lap shoving herself into my chest as I wrapped my arms around her. "Because we're gonna have our own baby." My heart stopped for a bit as her words left her mouth.

It was silent for a long time because I didn't know what to say especially after saying that I didn't want kids. 

"I'm sorry." My brows furrowed. "Why are you sorry?" I asked looking down at her. "Because this is the one thing you don't want." I shook my head. "It's not all your fault. I'm the one who should be sorry for making you feel as though you're in the wrong." I placed my hand on her head and pressed my lips against her forehead. "Honestly, it's not that I don't want kids, it's the fact that I truly don't think I would make a great dad."

"JJ's not ours so it's pretty easy to take care of him. I don't have to worry about him 24/7. I don't have to think about everything that could happen or will happen. I don't have to worry if I'm doing everything right with him or if we have enough food for him to eat. Dina and Jesse have to worry about all of that."

"So you're just scared to be a dad."

I chuckled. "I guess so." Ellie sat up making my arms let go of her. "But we'll be in this together, you won't be alone. Plus, we have a good 9 months to get prepared." I smiled at her as she smiled at me. I wiped her cheeks to try to get rid of the last few tears. "Then we better be prepared in 9 months." I moved my hands to her stomach and let out a sigh. "No surprises." I said sternly earning a laugh from Ellie.

"I love you." I pushed some of her hair out of her face as she moved back to my chest. "I love you too."

A/N: I'ma let you guys pick the gender by commenting what y' all want the baby to be. Please don't give me any smart-ass answers though. Thanks :)

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