𝕻𝖊𝖆𝖈𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕼𝖚𝖎𝖊𝖙

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Without another thought I got up from the floor despite the arrow in my leg and slammed myself against Abby just as she pulled the trigger. "Ellie run!" I demanded as Tommy grabbed onto Abby as well. However the two of us couldn't hold her. The kid got Tommy with an arrow as well and Abby shoved me off of her. The two ran after Ellie and Jesse into the screening room. "Fuck." I said and looking over at Tommy. "Shit." He was down. I looked at the arrow in my leg and took a deep breath as I made the decision to pull it out.

After I got it out I ripped some fabric from my shirt and tied it just above the wound. Getting up I rushed the best I could to find Ellie. Only I got stopped by Jesse, who pulled me down just as another arrow flew into the wall. "Holy shit." 

"Yeah that kid has some aim." We hid behind the seats and came up with a plan. It was kind of hard to focus with all the screaming from Abby and Ellie but while we were taking our time we didn't notice that the kid left. So, when we finally stood up to fight back all of our planning went to waste. 

We rushed over to the noise of screams/grunts. We stopped as soon as we saw Abby and the kid walk out of the room. The two only walked passed us. The fear inside me grew more at the thought of their job being done. As soon as they walked passed us I rushed into the room looking for Ellie. Finding her covered in her own blood, laying on the floor, and Dina just a few feet away from her. 

"Ellie." I limped over and plopped onto the floor. "Jesus." I placed my hands onto her face making her look at me. "Hey." She said and I snickered. "You look like shit and the first thing you say is 'hey'?"


It's been months since then. Ellie and I got our own place. It's a bit ways outside of Jackson but we like it. Not having to deal with any bullshit like neighbors and everyone being up in our business. 

I got up off the bed that we shared and got in a good stretch before making my way downstairs finding Ellie in the kitchen washing the dishes from last night. Before walking into the kitchen I started up the record playing. As the song started playing I walked up behind Ellie and wrapped my arms around her waist while resting my head on her shoulder. 

Once she was done with the dishes she turned around in my arms and placed hers around my neck/on my shoulders. "Enjoy your nap?" I smiled at her. "Would have been better if you joined me." I said pulling her closer as if she could be any closer. "Maybe if we didn't have guests coming over soon I would have." Ellie ran a hand through my hair as I placed our foreheads together and swayed our bodies to the music. This was a moment I wanted to last forever. Relishing in each others arms as we danced to some music.

Nothing could have ruined the moment...

Until Jesse came bursting in through the front door. My shoulders slumped as his voice shot out throughout the house. "Woah, wrong timing?" Ellie and I pulled away slightly. "Yes." My voice was filled with annoyance. That only earned a smack on the chest from Ellie and a chuckled from Jesse as Dina and their child, JJ, walked through the door. "Well would you look at that JJ, Uncle (Y/n) isn't wearing a shirt, again." I tilted my head to the side as Ellie and I pulled away from each other. "It's hot." 

"Yeah I'm sure it is." Jesse said with a smirk and a slight chuckle. "One, that's disgusting. I am a child of God. Two, I was taking a nap." Everyone laughed as they all found a seat and I went upstairs to put on a shirt. Walking back downstairs I ran into JJ and the end of the steps trying to climb up them. "Woah buddy, that's a dangerous thing to do right there." I picked him up and walked over to the others. 

"You know, he would make a great dad." Dina said out of nowhere watching JJ and I interact with each other. '

Ellie x male reader *SEQUEL*Where stories live. Discover now