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I sat in my room, in nothing but darkness. It was another night of no sleep. I found it hard to sleep for even an hour with the guilt I was feeling. The thought that we could have saved society. That we could have stopped the spread of the infection. That we could have went back to what was normal. However, with living in Jackson it was almost like living a normal life. Hearing the kids run around and play, the chatter of everyone going about their days. Everything felt as if it was all right and nothing could go wrong... but I knew everything was going to fall apart.

Not only have I had to live with the guilt of lying to Ellie but also the thought that she knew. She knew Joel and I lied. ever since she found out, she hasn't said a word to either of us. We can also forget about the relationship we had. That ended along with the truth being spilled. 

*Knock knock knock*

"(Y/n)!" Dad yelled from downstairs. I sighed and looked at my closed curtains to see the sun peeking through. I got up from my spot on the floor and grabbed a hoodie and my backpack. I exited my room and walked downstairs. "I'm coming." I said when dad was about to yell for me again. "Did you just wake up or something?" Jesse said from the doorway. "Ha ha." I said slipping on my shoes. "What are we doing today?" I asked as I walked out the door and closed it. "We have some patrols to do but first I have to go get Ellie." 

I stopped in my tracks at the thought of seeing her. I couldn't. "Um -" "Yeah, yeah, I know." Jesse cut me off. "You can head down to the gate and wait there while I get her." I nodded and did as he said. I couldn't confront Ellie after she found out the truth. I felt as though I shouldn't. Especially after the one time I tried to. We yelled at each other and then she told me she 'didn't want to see me ever again.' 

"Hey (H/N)." I said to my horse as someone brought him out to me. "He's missed you." The guy said. I didn't say anything and just smiled at him with a small nod of appreciation. I took my time in getting completely ready but eventually made my way outside to the others that was going on patrol. I didn't talk to anyone and instead walked towards the fence and sat on it with (H/N) in front of me. 

---------Ellie's P.O.V--------

"What you got there?" Jesse asked coming up behind me as Seth leaves. "Bigot sandwiches." I shoved the said sandwiches onto his chest and he took them. "Mm. Smells good."

"They're yours."

"You sure?" 

"It's fine." 

"Let me walk you out." Maria said as she walked pass the two of us. With that we continued our walk to the gate and Maria talked to Jesse. We stopped at a small gate as Maria wanted to talk to me. "'Sup?" I asked. "Look, I don't know what's going on with you, Joel, and (Y/n)..." She started and I got a little annoyed. "Those two really care about you. And I'm sure neither of then meant to-" "We're fine." I lied. "Yeah?" "Yeah." With a final good bye Maria went on her way and Jesse and I continued our way but stopped when we found Dina.

"Yo, Dina, Assignments." Jesse yelled. "Just gimme a minute!" She said as she threw a snowball at a kid. "Will you get your girlfriend to the stables please?" Jesse asked as he left. With a sigh I made my way to the fence and called Dina over. "Um, I just wanted to say sorry for running off last night." 

"Oh, that's- it's okay. I totally get it I just, I felt bad." 

"Why?" I asked feeling slightly offended. "'Cause I started the whole thing. I just, I shouldn't have kissed you in front of all those people and (Y/n)-" 

"No. You were drunk. It's fine, and (Y/n) and I are done." "Well, still, I don't want you to think-" 

"No, I'm not reading into it or anything." 

Truth be told I missed (Y/n). Despite him lying to me with the help of Joel I couldn't help but miss hearing his voice every day or even be able to just hold each other when we could. That and movie nights. I always looked forward to those. 

-----------(Y/n)'s P.O.V-----------

"Hey." Jesse said as he tossed me something. I quickly caught it but almost fell off the fence I was sitting on. "Ellie gave that to me." I jumped off the fence and tossed the sandwiches back to him. "Thanks but-" "I get it, you two aren't exactly on good terms right now." I raised my eyebrows and nodded with a small yeah. "Anyway, you are coming with me to let Joel and Tommy come back and get a break, they've been out too long." I nodded again and looked at the barn to see Ellie and Dina come out with their horses. 

Jesse left and went up to them and started talking. After he passed them some guns he yelled for the gates to open and I took that as I should get on my horse now. He gave the typical speech he usually does and we were sent to go. I waited for Jesse to get on his horse and I got the courage to go up to Ellie. "Hey." I said gaining her to look my way. "Be careful." "Yeah, you too." And she was off with Dina. 

"That was nice to watch." Jesse came on up on his horse. "Shut up." I said and we both rode out the gate.

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