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"Can I ask you something?" Jesse said out of nowhere as we waited for Joel and Tommy to show up. "What is it?" I took a small handful of trail mix and shoved it into my mouth. "What happened between you and Ellie?" I sighed. I couldn't tell him the truth because he didn't know about Ellie being immune. "I didn't tell her something that I should have told her in the beginning." I looked up at him and he was giving me a weird look. "What did you not tell her?" 

I shook my head. "It's not that important." He scoffed. "Now that's bullshit. The two of you broke up, it must be pretty damn important for that to happen." I stayed silent for a bit. "Shouldn't Joel and Tommy be here by now?" I asked trying to change the subject. "I know what you're trying to do but I'll let it slide this time, but you're right. Judging by the change in the clouds a storm is coming." I looked at the sky and nodded. 

"Think we should try to find them?" Without answering Jesse grabbed the reins of his horse and got on. I did the same and we were off. We took the route they were supposed to go and didn't find anything. The storm got worse and we stopped for a bit. "Hey!" I yelled over the wind. "Maybe we should check on Dina and Ellie, maybe they can help find Joel and Tommy!?" Jesse turned his horse around. "Yeah, you're right! Let's go!" I followed him as we trudged through the wind and snow. 

Eventually we came upon a library with the lights on. We hopped off our horses and walked them inside to be met with the girls' horses. "Dina!" Jesse yelled out. "Ellie!" I yelled. We heard rummaging and thought the worse so we rushed to the noise and I wish we didn't. "What- Just turn around. What are you doing?" Dina said as the two got dressed. "Are you kidding me-" Jesse said irritated as the two of us turned around. 

"You're supposed to be on patrol."

"There's a blizzard outside!"

I tapped Jesse on the arm to get his attention and I motioned that I'll be outside to which he nodded to. I made my way outside with my horse and got on as I remembered there were a few places Joel and Tommy could have stopped at to take a break and stop until the storm passes. 


So far one place was a dud. They weren't there so, I'm riding to the next one. It was pretty high up on a mountain but with a horse it wasn't that hard to get up, and in quick time too. There I found an old ski lodge with lights on inside. I got off my horse and found a way inside quietly as I grabbed my gun. I heard grunting after a while of being inside. 

I made my way towards the room and the grunts got louder. I opened the door slowly hoping I wouldn't be seen but someone came up behind me and kicked me into the room. When I hit the floor I dropped my gun and it slid to the other side. I looked up and found a small group of people and Joel by the windows. I looked beside me to see a passed out Tommy. "Who the fuck are you?" A buff girl asked as she walked up to me with a golf club. 

"What the hell are you doing to them?" I asked as I tried standing up but was hit in the face by the club making me fall back to the floor. "I asked who you are." I coughed out some blood and looked up at her only to lunge at her, catching her off guard and making her fall. I got on top of her and started punching her in the face. That didn't last long since some guy dragged me off of her and slammed me into the wall. 

---------Ellie's P.O.V---------

I made my way into the building that had lights on and heard slamming and screaming. "Joel..." I knew it was him and honestly it kind of scared me. I made my way closer to the noise and opened the door to see a girl slamming a golf club into Joel. I went to stop her, shoot her, something but I got tackled.

I pulled out my knife and got the person on the face but was tackled again by someone else. I fought back but it was to no avail. "Get the fuck off me!" I yelled and finally saw Tommy and (Y/n). Tommy on the floor and (Y/n) being held against the wall. "You're gonna fucking die!" I yelled after being kicked in the stomach a few times. Some people came into the room and started making conversation with the girl that was hitting Joel. 

"Joel, get up." I started begging as I knew what was coming. I begged more as the girl brought the club higher and slammed it down onto his skull. "Nooo!" (Y/n) and I screamed at the same time. Out of nowhere, somehow, (Y/n) Got free and ran for the girl. He pushed her to the wall and gave her a few punches before someone grabbed the club that she dropped and slammed it into his rib cage making him fall.

The girl grabbed him by his hair to where he was in front of me and let go. "(Y/n)..." I said weakly as I cried. "(Y/n) huh? I remember you too." With that the girl brought her club up just like she did for Joel and hit him with it. 

After that someone made their way to me and knocked me out with a kick to the head. 




"I'm sorry." 

"Jesse, they're down here!" I heard Dina's voice as I came to. I looked straight ahead and saw both Joel and (Y/n). More tears slipped as I saw both of their lifeless looking bodies. 

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