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"So, Ellie and Jesse went to go find Tommy." I nodded with a sigh. "I didn't want to agree on letting them go but Jesse's really good with his words." Dina laughed. "Yeah, he his." I smiled a bit at the memories of when we all first met. "He hasn't changed one bit." 

"You have, a lot. You were an asshole to every one but Ellie."

"Hey, not true. I was an asshole to her too." I pointed my spoon at her. We continued to talk about the small things we remembered from the past as we ate our canned food. It got my mind off of wondering if Ellie was okay or not but it wasn't gone completely. I had to just hope that she was okay. Including Jesse of course but you know. 

Honestly, it was kind of boring without the other two here. Mostly because Dina and I never really talked and were more acquaintances then anything else. We only really knew each other because Ellie was friends with her and Jesse was on-and-off dating her. Dina got on my nerves most of the time, because I knew she had a thing for Ellie. I mean, it's super obvious whenever they would hang out or do something. However, right now while we waited for Ellie, Jesse, and Tommy to show up, we slowly became friends. 


"Bang bang" I immediately jumped from my seat and ran to the door pulling the chair off and opening it. "Hey-" I was cut off by Ellie hugging me. "Woah, what happened?" I asked putting my hands on her shoulders and moving us to the side to let Jesse and Tommy in. They walked in and Jesse handled the door letting me actually talk to Ellie. "Wanna tell me what's wrong?" My brows furrowed in confusion as she let me go. 

"I went to the aquarium trying to find Abby. I killed the two people that were there and the girl- she- I-." I didn't understand completely but I knew it wasn't good at all. "Hey it's okay. You don't have to tell me." She nodded and I placed my hand on her head. "Why don't you go rest up? We can talk about what to do next later." Ellie nodded and left the lobby.


I was with Tommy and Jesse coming up with a plan when I heard foot steps coming up behind me. I turned back to see Ellie making her way to us with her stuff. "Where you going?" Tommy asked. "Needed some air. What are you guys doing up?" 

"Couldn't sleep." Tommy replied. I grabbed Ellie's hand and pulled her down to sit next to me. "Look at this." I motioned to the map as Jesse started talking. "Thought is to head home via Ellensburg." Tommy then started talking. "If we're in Fall City by tomorrow, we're doing good." Ellie didn't say anything as she looked at her hands. "Hey." Tommy gained her attention. "They got what they deserved."

"But she gets to live."

Tommy sighed. "Yeah. Is that okay?" Ellie gave a small shake of the head. "It has to be." 

"I'm really not looking forward to going through Idaho again." 

I scoffed at Tommy's comment and said. "What you should be worried about is what Maria's gonna do to you when we get home." He let out a chuckle. "We've bee through worse. However, I was passing through some ritzy section of town, came across this necklace. It sparkles a lot. I think it's real gold."

"You think it's real gold."

"It's real gold."

"Let's see it."

"I know what gold looks like." Tommy chuckled as he started walking away. "If it's legit, can we say it's from all of us?" 

"Ha! You find your own damn bribes." Tommy continued to walk away as Jesse turned back to us. "Well you tried." I said getting up. "See you two late." I pat Ellie on the head before jumping off the stage and walking out of the theater room. 

I walked over to Tommy and we started talking before the door opened and in walks Abby and some kid. Tommy was knocked down and the kid shot an arrow at me, getting me in the leg. Jesse and Ellie came bursting through the door. Abby shot at them but luckily they took cover before anything happened. "Stand up! Hands in the air or I shoot both of them!" Abby yelled pointing the gun between Tommy and I. 

"Don't you do it, Ellie! Get out of here!" Tommy warned. "Stand up now!" "Don't you fucking dare--"

"Shut the fuck up!" Abby kicked Tommy making him grunt. "All right--" And just as she was about to pull the trigger Ellie and Jesse came out from their cover with their hands in the air. "Ellie." I whispered. "Stop, stop!" 

"Toss your weapon." After Abby said it louder they both tossed the gun away. "I know why you killed Joel. He did what he did to save me. There's no cure because of me, I'm the one that you want. Just let them go." 

"You killed my friends... We let you three live and you wasted it!" Abby pointed the gun at Ellie and my heart started to race. At this point, I didn't think about anything other than the possibility that Abby might kill Ellie and I couldn't let that happen. 

A/N: Ayo!!! Hahahaha. It's fucking 4:27am and I can't sleep. :) I used my time wisely this time and updated!! Hooray! Also I got a tattoo and it's TLOU2 related. hehehe. It's basically Ellie's tattoo but there's some small differences and it's on the opposite arm. I've only had one person recognize it at work and that makes me sad. BTW, I'm terrified of moths so it's kind of funny and questionable to people who don't know about the game when I tell them that I don't like moths. Anyways, I just wanted to tell you guys something new that's good that happened. :)) Hope you guys have a good day/night!

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