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"Elle!!" I yelled.

"What!?" Ellie yelled back as she came into the room.

"Where's the diapers?" I said looking everywhere I could by our designated diaper changing station. "You're an idiot." She walked across the room and opened a drawer next to the crib. "Why are they there and not over here?" I asked walking over to grab one. 

"You're the one that went out and found way too many clothes for her."

I smiled at Ellie as I looked down at the baby on the table that cooed at me. "Only because our princess deserves the best." I tapped (Y/d/n) (Your Daughter's Name) on the nose and finished putting on her new diaper. 

"Alright," I picked (Y/d/n) up. "All done."

I looked over at Ellie to see her smiling at me. "What?" 

"You really underestimated yourself." I thought about it for a bit. "I wouldn't have been so great without you though. I mean you pushed her out of your cooter." Saying that though earned a smack to the head making (Y/d/n) let out a laugh.

"Do you enjoy Daddy's pain?" Ellie said taking (Y/d/n) out of my arms. "Of course you do. Now let's get you some food."


It was probably the middle of the night or super early in the morning when Ellie and I woke up to (Y/d/n) crying from her room. "Do you want to get her or should I?" I asked. "I'll just bring her in here." Ellie got up from the bed and walked out of the room. I reached over and turned on the lamp on the bedside table. I was slowly falling back to sleep when Ellie walked back into the room with (Y/d/n) and a bottle. 

I sat up a bit as Ellie sat down on her side and started feeding her. "You can go back to sleep, you don't have to stay up with us." I shook my head. "Yeah I don't have to but I want to. That's a lie. I don't want to but I'm part of the reason we have her so..." I looked at my two girls and opened my arms to them.  Ellie moved closer to me and laid against me as (Y/d/n) slowly started falling back to sleep.

"Thank you." I said as I kissed the top of her head and rubbed (Y/d/n)'s head softly. "Thank you for coming back to me after what happened, and thank you for bringing our little Jellybean into our lives." I felt Ellie relax in my arms and a small snore came from her. I smiled and closed my eyes falling asleep with the most important people in my life in my arms.

A/N: Yo sorry it's later than I thought it would be but it was after 8:30 pm MST. But I think this is the official end of the story. It just seems right. However, every now and then I might do some extra little moments. Hope y' all enjoyed. And I'm not ending it because of anyone it just feels right.  But again I may be doing extra's in the future. :))

Ellie x male reader *SEQUEL*Where stories live. Discover now