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"That's starting to sound like something." Joel said as he walked up to Ellie and I. "Ugh, I suck." I slightly nudged her, making it known that I didn't agree with her. "Nah... Just need to build up your calluses, that's all." Ellie gave a little 'yeah' to what Joel said and there was a small silence that followed. "Well, if there's no more to be said..." I stood from my spot next to Ellie and held my hand out to her. "Let's get going." I smiled. 

"This it?" She asked looking up at Joel. "Yeah." "Oh, shit!" Ellie grabbed my hand and stood up after putting the guitar down. "I'm gonna start guessing." She said as we started walking to her birthday surprise. "You want to spoil your surprise now?" 

"I dunno... Is it... a dinosaur?" I smiled at her guess. "Stop trying to guess. We ain't telling you." Joel voiced. "All right. Is it... an elephant?" 


"Is it a convertible?"

"You're not gonna guess."

"Is it a puppy? Is it a lotta kittens?"

"You mean a litter?"

"What's a litter?"

"A bunch of kittens."

We walked a little further as we came up to a ledge and Ellie and I had to let go of each others hands. "Mind your step." Joel said as he pushed a branch from a tree down to let Ellie pass by. "I got it." She said as she started making her way across first. "Oops." Joel said as he pushed her into the water. Ellie let out a scream as she fell in. Joel and I made our way past the tree branch as we let out some laughs. 

"What is wrong with you?!" Ellie resurfaced. "You should see your face right now." Joel said still laughing a bit. "What if I drowned?"

"You're not gonna drown. You gotta work on that confidence, kiddo." 

Ellie shifted her gaze from Joel to me and I completely shut up my chuckles of slight joy. "You gonna condone this?" I gulped a bit. She kind of scares me when she's mad. "Um, to be fair it wasn't my plan." 

Joel let out another laugh. "It was all your plan." I looked at him feeling betrayed. "Great, she's gonna kill me now." This just made Joel laugh even more. "Yeah, keep laughing, old man. See what happens." "It's this way." Joel pointed up ahead and Ellie swam there as we walked. "You're both the worse!" 

Ellie got to a part where she could walk out and continued to follow. This time with Joel and I ahead of her. "Ellie, c'mere. Take a look at this." Joel said as he spotted a deer. Ellie made her way next to me as we all looked at the deer. "See it? Just through there, look." 

"I see it..." We watched as the deer ate a bit until Ellie pushed me and Joel over into the water. 

"How's that feel?" She asked as we resurfaced. "Refreshing." Joel said and I chuckled while keeping afloat. "Yeah, it's not nice getting pushed in, is it?" 

"Actually, Elle, we need to swim through this part anyway." I said using her nickname I gave her. "I got you guys back, you're angry and upset." 

"We are very angry and upset. Now come on." Joel said sarcastically. Ellie groaned and jumped right into the water with us. 


"Holy shit." Ellie said as her surprise slowly came into view. "We're here." 

"Oh my god, it is a dinosaur!" She exclaimed as she made her way up to the T-rex. It brought a smile to my face as she looked at the dinosaur and drew it into her journal. Than she started to climb it making Joel nervous. Just as Joel said not to jump, Ellie jumped and landed into some more water. 

We then made our way into the museum. There we found some hats and looked at all the dinosaur stuff there was to see. Until we came upon the space exhibit part of the museum.  There she really freaked out. 

"Did you guys know this was here?!" She asked as she gasped. Joel sighed as he walked up. "you don't like it. We can head back." He joked. "Shut up!" Ellie giggled and walked around to see everything. As we walked around Ellie told us some facts about space stuff. 


"Hey, welcome to earth." I said as the two climbed out of the space craft and handed Ellie a space ship pin that she can put on her backpack. "Thanks." She smiled as she took it out of my hand. She walked off again and made her way to a set of doors. Ellie tried to open the door but couldn't and before I could step up to help her, Joel did and got the door open. 

"There's more museum stuff over there." Ellie pointed to the building across from us. "I never checked out that building." Joel walked up to her and I followed. "Let's go!" 

"And just how do you plan on getting yourself over there?" I asked stepping up next to her and without another word she backed up a bit. "Elle." She smiled and ran for the edge before jumping off and landing into the water. "Ellie, god!" Joel yelled as he ran up to the ledge I was standing at. "You  ever give anyone else this much grief?" 

"Get down here!"


"Hey, whose birthday is it?"

"You can't keep doing that!" 

"I want a good splash! We've got more exploring to do!"

Joel shook his head a bit before stepping back and making his jump with a "Geronimo!" 

"Okay, (Y/n), you're turn!" I let out a sigh. "I wish I just stayed home." I said as I took a few steps back. "Don't be a fucking loser and just jump!" I ran and made my jump, landing in the water. We swam to the stairs and climbed out of the water. We tried the door but it didn't budge. So, with a little convincing from Ellie, Joel boosted her up to a window. 

Turns out there was things blocking the door so Joel and I had to find another entrance that Ellie could open. 

"So, when do you plan on giving her your gift?" Joel asked. "You know, I never got to that part." I said with a slight chuckle. "You found her a gift but never thought of how you were going to give it to her?" I shook my head. "Nope, too much of a hassle. I just thought I'd give it to her when we get back." 

"You are lucky she isn't like the girls back before all of this."

"What are you talking about?" I asked curiously. "Back then, some of the girls wanted these big grand gestures. They'd want the expensive stuff or something that seems like a proposal. That was just some of them though, not all of them were like that." 

"Woah, guess I'm lucky then?" Joel nodded. "That you are." Suddenly there was a loud noise from inside and we rushed to where it came from. "Ellie!" We yelled. "I'm in here!" We burst through the doors and found her looking at a wall with her flashlight. "The hell was that?" Joel asked as we continued to here the noise it was making. "It's just some animal." 

We walked up to her and finally looked at what she was looking at. It was a Firefly symbol with the words 'LIARS' spray painted underneath. "Well, let's get a move on. I want to get a fire going before it gets too dark." Joel said as he began to walk out. "Come on." I said as I touched her arm to get her attention before following Joel. 

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