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We were getting closer to Tommy. We could tell because the WLF kept yelling that they found him and they didn't sound very far. Plus they were more observant so we kept running into them. Honestly, I didn't think Tommy was this dumb to be discovered by all of them but I guess if he wanted to find Abby that bad. Ellie and I jumped down a ledge and was grabbed from behind.

A hand covering our mouths and slowly moving backwards. Ellie struggled against them while I cooperated a bit, still trying to get the hand away from my mouth. "Shh, shh!" They whispered and we calmed down knowing who it was. "What the hell are you doing here?" Ellie asked as we turned around to face Jesse. "Think I'd let you two do this on your own?" 

"Jesse..." Ellie started. "Where's Dina?" Jesse interrupted as he looked at the two of us. "She's safe." I said. "She's just sick." 

"What kind of sick?" He asked. "She's fine man..." 

"Fan out! They went that way!" One of the WLF said to the other WLF's. "Christ, there's a lot of them." Jesse pointed out as we looked at the group. "Hey, how hurt are you?" Ellie asked noticing that he had a limp as we started walking. "I'll be okay. Your friends out there rushed me. No warning, no nothing."

"Tell me you didn't come alone." Jesse looked back at Ellie. "Gimme shit about it later." Of course he came alone. "You're a fucking idiot, you know that, right?" I smiled at Ellie's words. Jesse was an idiot, sometimes. "All right. See that truck?" Jesse pointed out the window. "That's your plan?" 

My eyes widened. I hope not. "We need to get some distance." My shoulders slumped a bit. "We are going to die." I said as we made our way to the doorway and waited a bit before heading out to our deaths. 


I groaned as we all crawled out of the water. It was a miracle we didn't die but we came close. "You guys okay?" Ellie asked. "Never better." Jesse answered as I moved to lay on my back. "Okay. I think we're in the clear." The two started moving around but I stayed in my spot as my ears started to ring and I got light headed. "(Y/n)?" Ellie's voice was barely audible. Suddenly there was a stinging sensation coming from my injury, and still healing eye. 

"Hey, what's wrong?" Her voice was laced in worry and I could hear it better. "My eye." I said groaning as I sat up with some help. "Okay." Ellie started taking the wet bandage off of me. I hissed as it was peeled from my skin. "Woah, that's not good." Jesse said as he helped Ellie out. "We'll wrap it back up with a clean bandage for now but when we get back to Dina we have to clean that up." I nodded. Ellie put a clean bandage on it and we started our way back to the theatre. 


"Dina!" Ellie called out as she knocked on the door. "Hey." She said as they hugged and then looked over at me and Jesse. I was still going through some pain but it dialed back a bit. "Oh my god." Dina went to hug Jesse. "Hey Dina." He said as he also hissed. "Hey. You okay?" She asked him. "Nothin' a little sleep won't take care of." 

"We should get inside." Ellie said as she looked at me. "Yeah." I said and we all walked inside. "How'd you get past Maria?" 

"I had to sneak out. My friends' problems are my problems. I heard you're sick?" 

"Oh, it's... it's just a stomach thing. C'mon. Lets' sit you down, huh." 

As the two continued to talk Ellie and I walked to the actual theatre room and sat down in the chairs we were in before. She removed the bandage again. "How long has this been hurting?" She asked. "Um... for a while." I said looking down as she gathered the stuff she needed. She let out a sigh as she grabbed my chin to make me look up at her. "You should have said something." 

"We already had to much to deal with. I couldn't be another problem on top of all of it." She tsk'd and poured some liquid on a few gauze. "You're always a problem." I chuckled. "Your problem." I said wanting to wink at her but it would only look like a blink. "Wink." I said as an alternative earning a laugh. I smiled but that smiled was gone as soon as she dabbed the gauze on my eye. That shit hurt. I let out groans instead of screaming even if I wanted to scream. "Jesus. You trying to kill me?" 

"Shut up, you'll get used to it." I furrowed my eyebrows at her as she wrapped my eye back up. "You'll have to do that until it's completely healed, or until it looks better." I let out a sigh as she started cleaning up the used gauze and tossing them aside. "Meaning we're gonna need more of that stuff." I pointed to the bottle of liquid she had to use. 

"I'm sure we'll find some more." She sat back down next to me. "Did you truly mean what you said?" I asked. "What?" 

"About you only seeing Dina as a friend." 

"Yeah, why else would I say that?"

"To get some sort of revenge on me."

Ellie let out a sigh as she grabbed my hand. "I thought about what you and Joel did... honestly I would have done the same if it were you." 

"Even if you were kind of rude to me at first, I still would have help Joel get you out of there if it meant that you'd stay by my side." 

I gripped her hand tightly as I took my chance to kiss her. I wasn't going to overthink this time. Her hand gripped mine just as tight as I did hers as our lips met each other. 

It felt great as our lips danced around. It reminded me of the days where she did hate me and we'd spend almost every day with each other after doing the things we needed to do. 

We slowly pulled away as the need for air became apparent. We pressed our foreheads together, breathing heavily. Ellie grabbed my other hand as soon as her breathing was back to normal and stood up from her seat. She pulled me up and lead me up the stage, behind the curtain, and into a room.

A/N: As an apology here's another update. :) 

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