𝕲𝖊𝖙 𝕳𝖊𝖗

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*Ellie's  P.O.V*

"Jesse's passed out." Dina says as she walks into the radio room as I stitched up a cut on my arm that I didn't notice earlier. "Hey... let me do that." She walked over and took the needle from my hand. It was quiet for a bit before I started talking. "He's a good guy." 


"Why didn't you tell him?"

"Wasn't the right time." She then leaned in and planted a kiss on my arm. "There you go." I pulled my sleeve down. "Dina-" 

"You don't have to." She cut me off. "I see the way you and (Y/n) look at each other." I let out a sigh as she smiled at me but I let it go and turned my chair around while getting up. "What about this?" I motioned to the table with all the pictures on it. "Anything worthwhile?" 

"Uh... Actually, yeah."


"Uh, no. This girl, Nora. Her unit was assigned to this hospital. They were collecting supplies or something."

I looked at the map and pointed at the one hospital in Zone 2. "This hospital?"


I turned around and started grabbing my stuff. "Wait, you're going to go now?"

"Yeah, we have a lead." Dina sighed. "Like, at least wait for (Y/n) and Jesse to rest up--"

"She could be gone by then." I said as I stood up. "Ellie."

"We know her location. Maybe Tommy does too." Dina shook her head at me as I adjusted my backpack. "What?" I asked earning another headshake. "Nothing."

"Good." I started walking out of the room. "Can you come help me with the door please?" I asked looking back at her but still walking. "Yup."


*(Y/n)'s P.O.V*

I groaned as I sat up from my sleeping spot. There was a small sting in my eye but nothing too bad. With a sigh I grabbed my shirt off the floor and put it on as I walked out of the room and to the lobby. "So, you just let her go?" Jesse said sounding kind of angry. "She wouldn't wait for at least one of you to wake up. What was I supposed to do?" My brows furrowed as I walked up to the two. "Ellie's gone?" I asked making myself known. 

"Yeah, she's after Abby." I nodded and looked at Jesse. "We have to go help her." I said as I started walking away to gather my stuff. "We?" Jesse voiced. "(Y/n) you need to rest. Your eye's all infected." He motioned to his eye making a face of disgust. I stopped walking and turned around. "I'm not just going to sit here and wait--"

"Yes you will, I'll go get Ellie while you and Dina stay here and rest up." Jesse walked past me and grabbed is backpack. "I can't let you do this." I looked down at the floor. "I already lost Joel... I can't lose her too." A hand landed on my shoulder. "And you won't. I'll bring her back." I looked up to see Jesse's determined face and I sighed. "You better because if you don't, I'll kill you." 


Hey sorry for the late update. I just got a job at Walmart so I'm suffering the life of an adult. hahahaha... ha. ha.... Honestly I'm only like three weeks in and I already want to quit. :'''''))))))))))))))))

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