Part 7

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The girls saw I was crying and figured I needed some alone time so they gave me a hug and left. I started crying even more then I already was.

I didn't want to lose the love of my life but the again I wasn't sure if I could trust him ever again, I need him in my life because he's my safe place to land but he was on the -A team. All of these thoughts kept rushing in my head I didn't realize that the nurse had came in to check on me.

She told me that I would be able to leave tomorrow afternoon. I wanted to get out of here because the hospital food sucks. The first thing I'm doing when I get out of here is going to The Brew to get coffee. I haven't had coffee in a long time so that's what I'm gonna go do.

Tomorrow Afternoon (sorry I skipped so much time)

I just got out, Han came to pick me up and we went to the brew. When we got there I could not believe what I saw......................I saw Aria kissing Toby.

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