Part 2

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3 weeks later

Spencer's POV

Mona just told me something that I dont want to be true. She told me Toby was on the -A team. I thought she was lying but why would she lie to me? I wanted to cry but I wasn't gonna cry in front of Mona.

I ran home. When I got there I went upstairs and locked my bedroom door. There was only one way to know if this was true........I have to call Toby and ask him.

I called Toby and after three rings he answers. "Hey Spence," Toby said.

"Hey Tobes, I have to ask you something but you need to be completely honest with me," I said.

"Yeah sure what is it Spence?" Toby asked concerned.

"Are you.........on the -A team," I managed to say.

He replied, "No of course not!" I could tell by his voice he was lying.

"Toby........... I said be honest!" I said.

"Fine......but only because." He managed to say before I hung up. I didn't want to listen to any excuses.

Cliffhanger, oh and by the way Mona and the liars are friends in this book.

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