Part 11

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Spencer's P.O.V.

We get back to my house and the door is unlocked...I remember locking it. It isn't Melissa or my parents because they are in London and they would have called if they were going to come home, then I think who else has a key...Toby. I tell Han all of that and then we rush inside, and sure enough there's Toby sitting on the couch. My eye's start tearing up thinking about everything he has done to me and I yell, "GET OUT!!". Then the tears start falling, I run up to my room crying, I grab a pillow and scream into it and then fall to the floor crying. Han doesn't follow me upstairs, she's probably talking to Toby I think, as I slowly cry myself to sleep while looking at pictures of me and Toby.

Hanna's P.O.V.

Spencer looked so hurt when she saw Toby and I wouldn't blame her, he can't keep hurting her. She ran upstairs crying and I was going to follow her but I forgot Toby is here. I say, "What are you doing here?!". "I came here to talk to Spencer" he said. "You don't deserve to talk to her, you hurt her by being on the -A team and cheating on her with her BEST FRIEND TOBY! OF ALL THE PEOPLE IN THE WORLD YOU HAD TO CHOOSE HER BEST FRIEND! IF YOU REALLY LOVED HER YOU WOULDN'T HAVE MOVED ON THE FAST YOU WOULD HAVE FOUGHT FOR HER, BUT NO YOU HAD TO GO TO HER BEST FRIEND" I said to him very mad. He looked hurt but I didn't even care, he doesn't deserve Spencer. I get the package of pictures and the note that -A sent Spencer and handed it to Toby and said, "Oh and by the way look what your little friends on the -A Team sent Spencer". He just stares at the note. Then I say, "Oh and give me the key you have to Spencer's house". He shakes his head no and then I give him the give me the key now look, and then he slowly hands me the key and then leaves. "Poor Spence" I think.

Hey guys it's Kira, I'm back! I'm really sorry that I didn't update in a really long time but I've been traveling a lot and I just totally forgot, but I'm back now and I will try to do a few more chapters later since it's been forever. I hope you like it!

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