Part 4

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Spencer's P.O.V

I slowly pulled out my razors............
I went into the bathroom and locked the door. I rinsed them off making sure they were clean, tears slowly rushing down my face. I sat down bawling my eyes out at this point wondering if this would even make a difference.

I had to, no one cared about me anymore. Not Toby, and not my family. I slowly started to cut my wrists, it hurts for the first few seconds and then it went away.

A ton of blood was coming out of my arm and I slowly started to feel dizzy. I couldn't see anything. I passed out, the last thing I heard was the door break open and someone screaming for me to wake up.

(A.N.) I will try to write another chapter tonight, hope you guys like it! I feel like only 1 person wants me to keep writing this so please if you want me to update tell me! I know I always end with cliffhangers but I figured if I did then it will get more people to read it but I guess I was wrong. So please tell me if you want to continue!

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