Part 17

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Hey guys! I'm back, I'm so sorry. There's a ton of school work and drama and ugh but since I'm on winter break I thought I would start updating again!!

Mona's P.O.V.

I'm so glad Spence didn't do anything, I was so scared. But Han did have a point..Toby needs to stop calling and texting her, she has a lot going on right now and he just makes everything worse, this all started because of him. She needs her space. Same with Aria, I don't know if Aria has done anything to her but I really hope she doesn't.

Me and the girls are in a group hug right now, we are all still slowly crying. But I decide to lighten the mood, "Do you guys want to go make the cake now, that will cheer all of us up?" They both nod their heads in agreement. We all walk down the stairs. I get a bowl to mix everything in and a pan to put the cake in when we are ready to bake it, Han gets all of the ingredients for the cake including the nonstick spray, while Spence turns her phone off, I think that's best for her right now.

That was my update for right now, I will update again tonight. Sorry for such a short chapter but I had and idea and I want to know what you guys think, should I do some pieces in Aria and Toby's P.O.V. that way most of it isn't just Spencer and so you can see how they feel and everything? Or should I just keep writing the way I have been? And again, I'm so sorry for being gone so long.

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