Part 18

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Sorry I was gone for so long and I didn't update sooner, I was babysitting and it was Christmas and then I was babysitting again so I was busy and I couldn't update.

Toby's P.O.V.

I really miss Spencer. I miss her chocolate brown hair. I miss the way she looked when she smiled. But most importantly, I just miss her. I can't believe I cheated on her especially with Aria. The Aria is her best friend..well was her best friend. But it was just as much Aria's fault as mine. All I want is to talk to Spencer but anytime I try Hannah won't let me. I guess he has been by her side 24/7 because I can't talk to Spencer alone without Hannah being there... well I can't talk to her at all. Only wanted to tell her I'm sorry because I can't live knowing that I hurt her like that, she cut because of me, she was in the hospital because of me, she probably cries her self to sleep and that's all my fault. I never meant to hurt her. I was only on the -A team to protect her. But I screwed up, really bad this time, and now I have to live with the fact that I hurt her. I never intended to hurt her, in fact, I never wanted to hurt her. I wanted to be with her forever, I hoped we would. But you know what she says about hope, it's a dirty four letter word and it breeds eternal misery. I can't get her off my mind, I cry myself to sleep knowing I hurt her, well on those nights that I can sleep, usually I just toss and turn and cry. I just love her too much and I don't want to let her go, but I know I have too, she's never going to forgive me and I have to go on knowing that. Now all I do is drink the pain away I guess I think that if I drink that I'll forget her but I know I'll never forget her. I stay in the loft all day occasionally I will go down to The Brew to get something to eat but mostly drink, there is broken glass on the floor everywhere from where I threw the beer bottles. I'm tired of living like this I love her too much to let her hate me.

I hope you guys like it, if you do let me know and I will make more of these, next P.O.V. will be Aria's

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