Part 16

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Spencer's P.O.V.

We get back to Han's house and set everything on the table. "Ok let's start putting away everything and then do you want to make the cake and save the cupcake mix for tonight to make that way if we get bored later we can make them then?" I ask Mona and Han. "Yes, that sounds like a good idea!" Mona says. "Yeah!!" Han replies.

I put away the frozen stuff. Han and Mona put away all of the non frozen stuff except for the cake mix of course. With all of us working together we got done within five minutes.
I guess I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't hear my phone ring, all I heard was Hanna yelling into the phone and Mona standing by watching confused. All I heard was, "Seriously stop calling Spence she has enough to deal with right now especially with you texting her and calling her every five minutes."

Just then I knew who it was Toby. I run upstairs and lock myself in the bathroom and slide down the door. I look around and see Han's razor and slowly break it and get the sharpest looking piece. I look at it for awhile trying to ignore Han and Mona screaming for me to open the door, but then I remember how last time I ended up in the hospital, I didn't want to be there again, I started crying harder just thinking about how Toby came to see me, but then I was thinking about it to much that I started like screaming. I slowly put down the razor and open the door to see Han on the ground crying and Mona holding her.

Hanna's P.O.V.

I am so scared for Spence, I don't like seeing her like this, I start crying and fall to the ground and I feel something warm wrap their arms around me. Thank god it was Mona. Then, I slowly hear the bathroom door creak open, it was Spence. I get up and immediately hug her, we are both bawling our eyes out and out of the corner of my eye I see Mona shed a few tears too. I can tell she was also worried about Spence. I go into the bathroom to get a wet towel for my face and I see my razor broken and I start to worry, did she actually cut herself I think to myself. I really hope she didn't, I get the wet towel go out of the bathroom.

"Spence, please tell me you didn't cut yourself you promised me in the other girls you wouldn't anymore, and I need you to keep this promise because I don't want to see you in the hospital again." I say to her.

She shook her head.

"Let me see your wrists now." I say to her making sure she really didn't. Both wrists are clean, thank god.

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